Welcome to the USA Powerlifting Washington State Championship !

Hello Athletes!

During this event, ALL COACHES/HANDLERS will need to obtain a coaching pass in order to be in the warm-up area.

The coaching pass that must be purchased prior to the event. The coaching pass is $50. If the coach has more than one athlete in the session, they only need one pass. If the coach has athletes in both sessions, they will need a pass for each session. Raw athletes are allowed 1 coach to be in the warm-up area. Equipped athletes are allowed 2 coaches.

You might be thinking $50 seems steep for a coaching pass. The price is set to try to minimize the amount of people in the warm-up area. If you or your coach don't want to pay the $50, that's ok. The coach will be limited to the spectator area during the event.

I have included a link to purchase the pass in this email. Coaching passes must be purchased no later than Sept 25th.

If you fail to purchase the pass by Sept 25th, you can get them at the door, but they will be $80.

If your coach is also an athlete who is competing that day, they do not need to purchase a coaching pass.

Purchase your coaching pass here.


Be Strong,

Danna Snow                          

PowerPulse Productions                         


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