Help Make Our Community a Better Place
Dear Community Member,

I hope you and your family are safe and healthy during this unique time we find ourselves in! Coalition Rx is working remotly to provide the best possible programming we can from afar. We miss seeing all of our partners and coalition members! This is a difficult time for many but we hope we can be helpful and provide activities and learning opportunities for our communities youth. Stay healthy and stay home!

In The News
COVID-19: Potential Implications for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
National Institute on Drug Abuse
"Because COVID-19 attacks the lungs, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could be an especially serious threat to those who smoke tobacco or marijuana or who vape . People with opioid use disorder (OUD) and methamphetamine use disorder may also be vulnerable due to those drugs’ effects on respiratory and pulmonary health. 

Additionally, individuals with a substance use disorder are more likely to experience homelessness or incarceration than those in the general population, and these circumstances pose unique challenges regarding transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19. All these possibilities should be a focus of active surveillance as we work to understand this emerging health threat.

People who use opioids at high doses medically or who have OUD face separate challenges to their respiratory health. Since opioids act in the brainstem to slow breathing, their use not only puts the user at risk of life-threatening or fatal overdose, it may also cause a harmful decrease in oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia). Lack of oxygen can be especially damaging to the brain; while brain cells can withstand short periods of low oxygen, they can suffer damage when this state persists.

Chronic respiratory disease is already known to increase overdose mortality risk among people taking opioids, and thus diminished lung capacity from COVID-19 could similarly endanger this population.A history of methamphetamine use may also put people at risk. Methamphetamine constricts the blood vessels, which is one of the properties that contributes to pulmonary damage and pulmonary hypertension in people who use it. Clinicians should be prepared to monitor the possible adverse effects of methamphetamine use, the prevalence of which is increasing in our country, when treating those with COVID-19."

SAMHSA - Virtual Recovery Services
During this time of uncertainty, it is important to keep our physical distance from one antoher. That doesnt mean you should sacrafice your mental health or recovery process. SAMHSA has gathered a comprehensive list of online resources you can utilize to stay in touch and get the support you need.

  • Alcoholics Anonymous: Offers online support
  • In The Rooms - Online Recovery Meetings: Provides online support through live meetings and discussion groups
  • Narcotics Anonymous: Offers a variety of online and skype meeting options 
  • Reddit Recovery: Offers a virtual hang out and support during recovery NRECOVERY/
  • Refuge Recovery: Provides online and virtual support recovery1
  • Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Recovery: Offers global community of mutual-support groups, forums including a chat room and message board ity/
  • SoberCity: Offers an online support and recovery community Sobergrid: Offers an online platform to help anyone get sober and stay sober 
  • Soberistas: Provides a women-only international online recovery community
  • Sober Recovery: Provides an online forum for those in recovery and their friends and family

These are just a few of the online resources available, please use the link below to see more.

The More You Know
Coalition Rx Spotlight
New Online Programming
If you are looking for educational and engaging activities for your kids during this time of social distancing Coalition Rx has you covered! We are working hard to transition our evidence-based programming into online lessons. We are currently posting one video per program a week on our Facebook page. Eventually, we will have everything uploaded to a new page on our website. We're also working on Zoom lessons if parents, teachers or students are interested in joining please email and we will get some class times set up!

Below are just a few videos that we have created so far. More videos like these will be uploaded weekly!
Jacob Peterson, Strengthening Families 10-14- Introducing Online Videos
Tammie Dickens, Too Good for Drugs and Violence- Goal Setting Lesson
Carey Pomykata, Wellness Initiative for Senior Education - Interview with OPTI
Help Reduce the Misuse of Substances of Abuse
We provide three evidence-based programs for youth and families. Strengthening Families Program 10-14, Too Good For Drugs and Violence K-8 and WISE. If you are interested in these programs please check out our Facebook page for the virtual lessons we have started in the wake of social distancing guidelines.
Each month Coalition Rx hosts a community meeting. We partner with local experts to discuss the substance abuse issues in our community and how we can combat this epidemic. Due to COVID-19 we are postponing all in-person meetings until restrictions are lifted.

Founded in 2015, our mission is to reduce the misuse of all substances of abuse by raising awareness and partnering with community organizations to provide public and professional education, prevention and treatment resources, and policy advocacy.
Carey Pomykata Executive Director
(402) 552-2221