Help Make Our Community a Better Place
“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller

As the world continues to struggle through these unprecedented times we must continue to safely connect with our support systems, and not stray away from what grounds us in our lives.

We must do our best to not seek solace in things that can harm us, but take comfort in the lives we have built for ourselves. If you are struggling there are still ways to find connection with those who will help you continue, or start on the path of resilience.

It is important to keep an eye on our youth to make sure they are working through this year's emotional turmoil in a healthy way. Even as we have to stay safely apart there are still ways to come together, and support one another in their current journeys, and struggles.

Carey Pomykata
Executive Director, Coalition Rx

In The News
Overdoses and Alcohol-Related Deaths Rising Durning the Pandemic.
By the Washington Post
"The Baltimore Sun reported that new data released on Tuesday revealed that such deaths increased by 9.1% from January to June of this year compared to those months last year.
Opioids were responsible for nearly 90% of the 1,326 deaths.

Officials from the Maryland Department of Health and the state’s Opioid Operational Command Center said that the pandemic is exacerbating people’s addictions as they’re quarantined.

“Taken together, the associated social isolation, disruptions of support, impeded access to care, and economic distress have helped to create an extremely dangerous environment for those suffering from substance use disorder,” a report said.

“In spite of the other challenges that we face, our dedication to reversing the devastation of the opioid crisis has not wavered,” he said in a statement.

Signs of a Substance use Issues in Teens durning COVID-19
By Justin Wolfe, Health Driven.
"The COVID-19 pandemic has created obstacles for adolescents in recovery from substance misuse. Directions to avoid social contact and the closing of schools, extracurricular activities and support group meetings has created an environment where critical resources for recovery are not available.

What should parents look for regarding possible substance use issues in adolescents and young adults during quarantine?

Extreme mood swings can be an indicator that use is occurring. Extreme mood swings can come out as anger, irritation, frustration, sadness, increased depression, heightened anxiety and difficulty being by themselves. These feelings can be exasperated by the continued use or withdrawal from substance(s).

A hallmark symptom of substance use is social and emotional isolation. This may also look like excessive sleeping during the day and avoiding responsibilities within the home. For most teens, being alone with themselves is the last place they want to be. This can lead to impulsive and erratic behaviors to avoid loneliness

Adolescents may also continue to insist on going out to be with friends despite the stay-at-home order and parents not giving permission.

there is a difference between what is to be expected from teens and what is excessive. It is a normal response for adolescents to ask to hang out with their friends and argue that online connections (through social media or FaceTime) are not enough. What is not a normal response is when adolescents smile and nod, claim that they accept the limit, and leave anyway. Or, if they engage in frequent arguments that escalate to shouting matches.

It is critical to maintain structure and connection with recovery resources during this difficult time. The recovery community has established a virtual meeting system to ensure that people in recovery still have access to their support groups.

The More You Know
To learn how to talk to your kids about alcohol click here.
Special Announcement
For more information on the mask mandate.
Coalition Rx Spotlight

Halloween Safety
We want you all to have a happy & safe Halloween season. Here are some reasons and ways to stay safe this Halloween!
Upcoming Events
Online Programming
If you are looking for educational and engaging activities for your kids during this time of social distancing Coalition Rx has you covered! We are working hard to transition our evidence-based programming into online lessons. We are currently posting one video per program a week on our Facebook page and website.

We're also working on Zoom lessons if parents, teachers or students are interested in joining please email and we will get some class times set up!
Tammie Dickens Anger Management Interview with Captain Wayne Hudson, Douglas County Sheriff’s Department
Help Reduce the Misuse of Substances of Abuse
We provide three evidence-based programs for youth and families. Strengthening Families Program 10-14, Too Good For Drugs and Violence K-8 and WISE. If you are interested in these programs please check out our Facebook page for the virtual lessons we have started in the wake of social distancing guidelines.
We have a virtual meeting coming up on Oct. 29th.

More details coming soon.

Founded in 2015, our mission is to reduce the misuse of all substances of abuse by raising awareness and partnering with community organizations to provide public and professional education, prevention and treatment resources, and policy advocacy.
Carey Pomykata Executive Director
(402) 552-2221