Consortium Welcomes Four Staff Members
Lola Renauer is the Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) graduate assistant. Lola works with the Coastal Environmental Quality program team, which is creating a competitive research portfolio for the Southeast region focusing on the influence of climate change on CECs. The Request for Proposals has been released and Letters of Intent are due November 16, 2023.
Angela Treptow is the Commercial Seafood Apprenticeship Program coordinator based in McClellanville, S.C. Angela engages with community stakeholders to develop, coordinate, and implement the apprenticeship program. Expected outcomes are fostering the development of a skilled workforce for commercial fishing and mariculture industries, as well as transferring expertise of local commercial fishers and farmers to the new apprentices.
Shu-Mei Huang is the Coastal GIS specialist. In this joint position with the College of Charleston, Shu-Mei provides technical expertise to expand regional capabilities by providing a wider range of services to stakeholders who request science-based information in order to enhance their resilience to climate change.
Sophia Truempi is the Coastal Community Resilience Planning specialist. Based in Beaufort, S.C., Sophia leads the development and implementation of the S.C. Resilient Coastal Communities Collaborative Program, which is an initiative that spans several communities in the Salkehatchie River Basin. She will collaborate with communities to identify vulnerabilities to climate hazards, including flooding, and identify adaptation pathways.