Please click here to view the complete schedule for Lent and Easter.

"100 Coats for 100 Years" Coat Drive Surpasses Goal x 10

Thanks to the generous outpouring from the community, The Grotto's "100 Coats for 100 Years" coat drive was an outstanding success, as the sanctuary collected more than 1000 items to be distributed among three local charities.

A bin will be located in the foyer of the Chapel through this weekend, so it's not too late to drop off your donation. Next week we will make the deliveries to Blanchet House, Rose Haven and SnowCap.

This was The Grotto's first coat drive and is part of the sanctuary's celebration of its Centennial this year. Inspired by the Servite Friars' mission of caring for those who are suffering or alone, The Grotto is dedicating the first part of 2024 to serving others. (Stay tuned for information about next month's food drive.)

Thank you to everyone who participated in this incredible success. And a special thanks to Catholic Charities for their donation.

Above: Jane Tokito, deputy director for The Grotto, is surrounded by more than 1000 donated items, over half of which were brand new.

Today's Hours of Operation

Grounds: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (lower level only during storm clean-up)

Gift Shop: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Daily Mass

12 noon

Chapel of Mary

Recitation of the Rosary

11:30 a.m.

Chapel of Mary

Priest Office Hours

10-11:45 a.m.

and 3-5 p.m.

Office is located inside the Visitor Center.

Lower level open, Upper Gardens remain closed

The Upper Gardens remain closed as crews are working swiftly to clear debris and remove leaning trees so we may open fully. Please check our website,, for updates.

Click here to view photos from the storm.

Oh Lord, my merciful and loving God, today I come to you with humility and simplicity that You may change my heart, allowing it to be open and ready to receive your word and act on it. Transform my life as I welcome you. Let me set aside the complexities of my Lenten journey to give you my time to be with you. Let me follow you in this today.


Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.

The Grotto Gift Shop has a wide variety of items for Lent, as well as books, cards, Rosaries, jewelry, home accessories, statuary, yummy treats and much more.

Shop Online