Sea Hag Marina
OPEN: Sun-Thurs 6am-6:00pm
Fri.-Sat. 6am-7pm
N 29' 40.295  W 83' 23.636 
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This Week 09-09-20 at Sea Hag Marina
 Cobia, Lobster & Scallops in Steinhatchee?!
Scallop season ended Sept. 7th! Now let's go fishing!
Would you believe us if we told you Eli Jensen & his crew aboard the "DIRTY MONEY" went spearfishing off the Steinhatchee middle grounds & brought back up a Florida lobster!
The Loner family had a blast collecting their limit of scallops with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Frank Sheffield brought back a MASSIVE gag grouper after a trip to the middle grounds!

Redfish is so delicious! Can't wait to give this recipe a try! 
Click the link below to view the recipe!

Dalas Carter caught & released a red snapper this weekend!
Capt. Leslie Hernandez & his crew limited out in scallops in less than an hour!
Alexis Cruse hooked up on a hefty redfish fishing the flats the other day!

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The Hunnicutt & Griffin Crew came back with a big bag full of scallops!
Nita Chester & her sister, Suzanne Bachus, filled a couple bags full of scallops!
Rick Chapman caught this redfish out of Keaton Beach!
Charlene Honey Woods with her bucket of scallops her and her crew collected north of Steinhatchee!
The Overstreet family had a fun day of scalloping!
Steve & Amy Holton hooked up on a dinner-sized redfish!
Sonya Anderson & her crew collected a bucket full of scallops!
Scott is holding up his bag of scallops he collected with Capt. Bobbi Brady!
Aubrey Wilson caught this 26in redfish on the flats the other day!
Andy Christou & the Deese Crew were only 15 minutes into fishing the flats for redfish and trout when they hooked up on this MASSIVE cobia!
What a trophy fish!
The Fuqua and Abbott families scalloped on 2 boats and got their limit of scallops with help from Capt. Max Leatherwood!
Dominic, Katie & Desi Greco from Gainesville, FL, brought back this 22lb cobia they caught!
US Navy submarine Captain AJ Aviles and his family enjoyed a day full of scalloping with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Capt. Bobbi Brady collected a bag of scallops!
The Shapovalov family filled their bags full of scallops with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Frank Sheffield, Ray Hedgecock & Capt. Shan Roper took a trip offshore and brought back huge gag grouper, vermillion snapper, red grouper & mangrove snapper!
Eli Jensen spearfished this delicious hogfish!
Dakota Stutts caught & released this red snapper the other day!
The Jensen crew speared a whole stringer of fish the other day!
Lilianna is too cute with her scallop!
DW Ravo brought back a yummy scamp grouper!
Dalton found a big ol' bag of scallops with Capt. Bobbi Brady!
Upcoming Events!
Kick of fishing season and fish the Santa Fe Lady Raider Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament! Sept. 12th! 
Join us on World Cleanup Day for our annual Trash Tournament! Free food & beer provided! Let's clean up our waters & community!
Hooked on Heroes may need additional boats. If you would like to help with your boat, call Ron Cadle at 386-364-9589. They supply 15 gallons of gas and lunch for you & your helper. Date set is 3rd of October at Sea Hag Marina. For more info click here.

Sept.-Nov. is a great time for fishing. The weather is still warm but just begins to cool down and the fish become more active. You tend to catch the most fish this time of the year in 4ft of water using live bait and scented artificial plastics. Live shrimp are a great choice under a popping cork. Gulp jerkshads & Z-Man in the paddle-tail form are sold the most this time of year.
Redfish bite great on Gulp! We recommend using Pink Shine 5in Jerk Shad or Satay Chicken 5in Jerk Shad with 1/8oz jighead of your choice!
Flounder love the cool weather. As the temperature lowers, they start biting. The best way to catch flounder is using a white artificial lure. We recommend using a 3in Gulp Pearl White Shrimp with a 1/4oz jighead. Let it sink and drag the bottom in a deep channel and you're bound to reel in a doormat of a fish! 

Trout start biting again in September. Scallopers are gone and the waters calm, allowing the trout to get active. They bite excellent on live shrimp and Gulp Pearl White/Chart 3in Shrimp!
Spanish mackerel love deep water this time of year! If it shines, it dies. They will hit anything that shimmers in the water. Live pinfish, silver rigs, and gold spoons are the easiest way to catch Spanish mackerel. You may have to weed through some ladyfish, but eventually the Spanish mackerel come out to feed.
Karen Fletcher posted a picture of one of the many scallops she collected this weekend! Check out the size of this one!
Submit your photos to to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament List:

July 1  - October 4 - CCA Star Fishing Tournament

September 12 - Lady Raiders Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament

September 19 - Sea Hag Marina Trash Tournament

October 3 - Hooked on Heroes - Taking Veterans Fishing

October 10 ***CANCELED**** Nauti-Girls Fishing Tournament

November 6 & 7 - Power-Pole Pro Fishing Tournament

December 12 - Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament
Available in kids & adults!

Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!
Heart of Hatchee is an online clothing boutique started by two college women! They have their items online as well as in the front of Sea Hag Marina! 
Stop by & shop or order online!
DOWNLOAD the app, iANGLER on your smart phone and log your fishing trips!

Help us contribute helpful STEINHATCHEE information to Florida's fisheries scientists!

This information will help FWC scientists determine accurate regulations for our area!