Moving Forward
Code changes approved for 30-day public comment
Join The Sierra Vista City Council voted unanimously to move forward two proposed development code changes for official 30-day public comment periods at its regular meeting on Thursday.
One proposed code change would create a process for the City to provide additional flexibility to a resident or homeowner to modify their home to accommodate a disability. The process would allow the modification to exceed certain dimensional standards (building setbacks and height) if it can be proven that the modification would provide the necessary accommodation.
A separate proposed code amendment would revise the public hearing process for requested map amendments (zoning changes), text amendments, and conditional use permits. The proposed process would only require a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission unless there is an objection or a request for a public hearing before the City Council. The issue would still go to the City Council for final consideration. Only requiring one public hearing would expedite the review and approval process.
In other business, the City Council unanimously approved the submission of a grant application through the Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART Grants: Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects program. The grant would assist with the replacement of the irrigation system serving the sports facilities located north of the Rothery Educational Service Center. The City purchased this land from the Sierra Vista Unified School District last year.