Vol. 7, Issue 1, July 4, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Coding Bootcamp; MTech hub working groups for manufacturing employers; Sign up today for a free webinar on how to navigate workplace conflict
Coding Bootcamp workshop and program: Learn to build websites and create applications
Do you have clients or contacts who are interested in learning to build websites and create applications? Join one of these free workshops offered by City School and the Industry Education Council to learn coding.

After the workshop people can apply to a FREE 12-week, full-time Coding Bootcamp. Bootcamp will run 9:30am - 1:30pm Monday through Friday beginning September 16, 2019.

Only 25 seats are available at each workshop and attendance at one is mandatory before applying to the program.

Applications are welcomed from all those interested in City School, but please note that priority will be given to those who meet the following criteria:

  • 19 years of age or older
  • Have no or limited post-secondary education (i.e., college, university, apprenticeship)
  • High school completion is not a requirement

Questions? Email experience@iechamilton.ca or call 905-529-4483 ext. 226


Attention Manufacturing employers: Find out about MTech hub working groups

Regardless of your industry, your challenges and objectives will often be the same: making the most of opportunities, reducing costs, and increasing efficiencies.

MTech works with companies to solve their digital challenges using a standardized Industry 4.0 technology platform.
Potential working groups have been identified by MTechHub members for further exploration and interest level.

Participating companies will learn from each other, plus work together to innovate, adopt and best utilize digital technologies to improve their respective manufacturing business. 

Free Charity Village webinar: How to navigate workplace conflict, July 11/19
Are you struggling to manage conflict with co-workers or volunteers in your nonprofit workplace? A free webinar can help you approach conflict in a more effective way.

At this session, we will explore the different approaches and stages of conflict and you will gain effective ways to anticipate, prevent, 
and manage conflict situations. Since practical application is the key to sustained learning, you will identify actions to advance learning in your workplace.

Date: Thursday, July 11 at 1pm Eastern Time / 10am Pacific Time (one hour)
Cost: Free - Register Now

Audience: This webinar will be of interest to any nonprofit professionals who would like to learn new strategies for approaching workplace conflict.
Labour Force Information, Hamilton, May 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca