Ms. Nicole Small, Principal

Week of October 28, 2024

Red Ribbon Week Theme Days

Monday, October 28 Wear Red for Red Ribbon Day

Tuesday, October 29 Wear crazy socks and Sock it to drugs!

Wednesday, October 30 Team up for healthy habits! Wear your favorite team gear

Thursday, October 31 Coebourn is for Anti-bullying wear Orange!

Friday, November 1 Coebourn says NO to drugs! Wear your Coebourn gear!

Parent Tech Tip from our Technology teacher, Ms. Cameron

We teach students about Stranger Danger online and in the real world. Here are two timely articles for parents:  Halloween Safety Tips: Beware of the Tricks! and Too Cute to Spook from the National Autism Association for our autism families.

What Is SEL? | Common Sense Media 

Important Arrival & Dismissal Reminders

  • Doors Open at 8:35 a.m.: For the safety of our students, any child arriving before this time must be supervised by an adult from home.
  • No Parking on Coebourn Blvd: To ensure the safety of all students, please use the school parking lot for drop-offs and pick-ups during arrival and dismissal times.
  • No Pets in Arrival/Dismissal Areas: For the well-being of both students and pets, please refrain from bringing dogs or other animals to arrival & dismissal areas.

Staff Highlight

Mrs. Lindsey Wiley

Kindergarten Teacher

Fun Facts from Mrs. Wiley:

  1. I jumped out of an airplane.
  2. I love to dance and sing.
  3. Disney World is my favorite place.
  4. I won the Making a Difference and Teacher of the Year awards.
  5. I have two beautiful children.
  6. My husband and I are college sweethearts.
  7. You can find me at the beach or Citizens Bank Park.
  8. I have been teaching for 17 years and with PDSD for 9.

Mrs. Julie Frei

5th Grade Teacher

Fun Facts from Mrs. Frei

  1. I love to cook and bake- (my favorite recipe butter cake!)
  2. I love spending time with my hubby, four kids, daughter-in law, and pup!
  3. My favorite artists are Mary Cassatt, Wassily Kandinsky, and Romero Britto.
  4. My favorite trip was to San Antonio, Texas (especially the Riverwalk!)


Coebourn PTL has many exciting events planned for the school year. The PTL is always looking for volunteers to help out! Join our PTL meeting on the first Thursday of the month in the Coebourn Library. Follow our PTL on Facebook at Coebourn Elementary PTL.

Coebourn Elementary is now on Instagram. Find us on instagram by clicking the button below or searching @COEBOURNES on Instagram.

@COEBOURNES on Instagram

October 2024

10/28 - C Day - B Band 8:00 am

10/29 - D Day - A Band 8:00 am

10/30 - E Day

10/31 - F Day - Chorus 8:00 am

11/01 - A Day

11/04 - No School (Teacher In-Service)

11/05 - No School (Teacher In-Service)

11/06 - B Day

11/07 - C Day - Chorus 8:00 am / PTL meeting 6:30 pm

11/08 - D Day - Picture Retakes

Link to Coebourn October Calendar

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Coebourn Word of the Month

Pictures below: 2nd Grade Pumpkin Day included measuring, weighing, and creating.