Ms. Nicole Small, Principal

Week of September 9, 2024

We have had a great start to the 2024-2025 SY! Thank you to our PTL for the beautiful decorations and delicious staff breakfast! The hard work and hours of decorating added to the excitement of the first day with many wonderful photo opps.

Leader In Me

This year we are adding a Guidance class to the student’s weekly special/ related arts rotation to further enhance their educational experience. This course will be using Leader in Me curriculum which is a PK–12 evidence-based model focused on leadership, culture, and academics that equips students, educators, and families with the leadership and life skills needed to thrive in a dynamic world. 

Leader in Me uses Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Habit 1: Be Proactive 

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind 

Habit 3: Put First Things First 

Habit 4: Think Win/Win 

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood 

Habit 6: Synergize 

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Students are learning the habits in the classroom during the first few weeks and further developing their understanding during Guidance class throughout the year.

PBIS- Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

Our core values—Respectful, Responsible, and Ready—shape everything we do at our school. We launched the year with an exciting kickoff assembly filled with engaging activities that review these important principles. During the first week, each class explores key areas of the building to understand specific expectations for every space. Throughout the year, students can earn Cougar Coins and PRIDE Paws as recognition for demonstrating the 3 R's. These rewards can be awarded by any staff member, encouraging consistent and positive behavior across the entire school.

Thank you! Brookhaven PD Officer Roller for participating in a fun game at our PBIS Kickoff assembly!

Don't forget.....We Serve Breakfast

All students are able to eat a free breakfast beginning at 8:35 AM in the school cafeteria. Car riders and walkers should arrive early so everyone has enough time. Upon arrival all students (bus riders, walkers, car riders) who wish to participate in the breakfast program will report directly to the cafeteria. The breakfast menu is available on the school website under menus or here breakfast menu.

Staff Highlight

Mr. Richard Martinez,

School Counselor

Our new school counselor, Mr. Martinez has been a school counselor for 6 years.

Fun facts about Mr. Martinez...

  • He plays the harmonica.
  • He likes basketball.
  • He has two kids.
  • He has two dogs.

Mr. Martinez is excited to meet the wonderful students and parents at

Coebourn Elementary!


Coebourn PTL has many exciting events planned for the school year. The PTL is always looking for volunteers to help out! Join our PTL meeting on the first Thursday of the month in the Coebourn Library. Follow our PTL on Facebook at Coebourn Elementary PTL.

Coebourn Elementary is now on Instagram. Find us on instagram by clicking the button below or searching @COEBOURNES on Instagram.

@COEBOURNES on Instagram

Mark Your Calendars:

Back to School Night at Coebourn Elementary

Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30 pm

September 2024

  • 9/9 - E Day
  • 9/10 - F Day - Back to School Night 6:30 pm
  • 9/11 - A Day - Red, White, Blue Day *wear red, white, and/or blue
  • 9/12 - B Day
  • 9/13 - C Day

  • 9/16 - D Day - International Dot Day
  • 9/17 - E Day
  • 9/18 - F Day
  • 9/19 - A Day
  • 9/20 - B Day - Pinwheels for Peace & PTL His & Her Bingo at 6:00 pm

at the Brookhaven Borough Hall

Coebourn September Calendar

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Coebourn Word of the Month


  1. Coebourn Staff on the first day of school
  2. Ms. Patty with Coeby on the first day of school


  1. Mrs. Roe's first graders were excited to receive a brand new rug in their classroom!
  2. Students posing for pictures on the first day of school.