Ms. Nicole Small, Principal

Week of November 4, 2024

Reminder- No School for Students-

Monday November 4th and Tuesday November 5th

5th grade Bake Sale at the Brookhaven Municipal Building

Tuesday, November 5th

Important Arrival & Dismissal Reminders

  • Doors Open at 8:35 a.m.: For the safety of our students, any child arriving before this time must be supervised by an adult from home.
  • No Parking on Coebourn Blvd: To ensure the safety of all students, please use the school parking lot for drop-offs and pick-ups during arrival and dismissal times.
  • No Pets in Arrival/Dismissal Areas: For the well-being of both students and pets, please refrain from bringing dogs or other animals to arrival & dismissal areas.

Staff Highlight

Mrs. Jaclyn Samuelian

5th grade Teacher

Fun Facts from Mrs. Samuelian:

  1. I was born on Thanksgiving.
  2. I volunteer for a nonprofit Dream Drive.
  3. I have worked in Penn Delco since 2013.
  4. My favorite vacation memory was Cancun.

Mr. John Clark

Physical Education Teacher

Fun Facts from Mr. John Clark

  1. I teach praying mantis kung fu.
  2. I love to play golf.
  3. I love the Eagles, Phillies, and the 76ers!
  4. My wife is a kindergarten teacher.
  5. I have been teaching in Penn-Delco for 28 years!


Book Fair is coming soon! November 11-13th

Coebourn PTL has many exciting events planned for the school year. The PTL is always looking for volunteers to help out! Join our PTL meeting on the first Thursday of the month in the Coebourn Library. Follow our PTL on Facebook at Coebourn Elementary PTL.

Coebourn Elementary is now on Instagram. Find us on instagram by clicking the button below or searching @COEBOURNES on Instagram.

@COEBOURNES on Instagram

November 2024

11/04 - No School (Teacher In-Service)

11/05 - No School (Teacher In-Service)

11/06 - B Day

11/07 - C Day - Chorus 8:00 am / PTL meeting 6:30 pm

11/08 - D Day - Picture Retakes

11/11 - E Day - B Band 8:00 am / Veteran's Day / Book Fair

11/12 - F Day - A Band 8:00 am / Book Fair

11/13 - A Day - Book Fair / Parent Night Book Fair 6 - 8 pm

11/14 - B Day - Chorus 8:00 am

11/15 - C Day

Link to Coebourn November Calendar

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24-25 Instructional Calendar
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Coebourn Word of the Month

Pictures above: Ms. Vitale, Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Gordon, and Ms. Richards on Halloween.

Pictures below: Fall Fest was a blast. Thank you PTL!

Each class received a pumpkin from the PTL to decorate for this year's animal-themed contest. Fall Fest attendees cast their votes, and the winners were Mrs. Frei's class with their eagle design and Ms. Vitale's class with their deer. Great job to all the classes—the pumpkins showcased amazing creativity and hard work!