Ms. Nicole Small, Principal

Week of October 7, 2024

Hello Fall! We’ve officially started our MTSS groups, and the energy in our school is buzzing with excitement. The crisp autumn weather is keeping us refreshed and motivated as we dive into learning. Plus, we’re all geared up to cheer on the Phillies—Go, Phils!

Reading Olympics

Calling all 5th graders! Do you love to read and discuss books? Well, we have some exciting news for you! Coebourn is participating in the Delaware County Reading Olympics. This is a competition where motivated readers from around the county have the opportunity to show their knowledge of popular books in a game show setting. The competition is fast-paced, exciting, and very challenging. If you are interested in joining the fun, please attend the first Reading Olympics meeting on Friday, October 11th, at 8:15. All meetings are held in Room 116. 

Parent Tech Tip from our Technology teacher, Ms. Cameron

My most requested item: 

Family Tech Planner: Age 2-8 | Common Sense Media

Family Tech Planner: Age 9-12 | Common Sense Media

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Important Arrival & Dismissal Reminders

  • Doors Open at 8:35 a.m.: For the safety of our students, any child arriving before this time must be supervised by an adult from home.
  • No Parking on Coebourn Blvd: To ensure the safety of all students, please use the school parking lot for drop-offs and pick-ups during arrival and dismissal times.
  • No Pets in Arrival/Dismissal Areas: For the well-being of both students and pets, please refrain from bringing dogs or other animals to arrival & dismissal areas.

Staff Highlight

Mrs. Laura O'Kane

Music Teacher

Fun Facts from Mrs. O'Kane:

  1. I went to Coebourn Elementary as a student.
  2. I have a son at Northley Middle School.
  3. I love New Kids on the Block.
  4. I sing in a band outside of school.

Ms. Mary Beth McGrenra

Learning Support

Fun Facts from Ms. McGrenra

  1. I come from a big family with 36 cousins and 28 aunts and uncles.
  2. I live in the city of Philadelphia and love cheering on the Philly sports teams.
  3. I have a 8 month old puppy named Raya.
  4. I was homecoming queen in high school!
  5. Before becoming a teacher, I worked at a sushi restaurant.


Coebourn PTL has many exciting events planned for the school year. The PTL is always looking for volunteers to help out! Join our PTL meeting on the first Thursday of the month in the Coebourn Library. Follow our PTL on Facebook at Coebourn Elementary PTL.

Our Fall Fest is Friday, October 25th from 6-8 pm. Parent volunteers are needed! Please sign up here to volunteer--> Fall Fest sign up

We need volunteers to help make this event truly amazing!

Sun Valley Homecoming parade is Friday, October 11, 2024 at 6:00 pm. All Coebourn students are invited to walk as a school. Please meet at the Aston Community Center at 5:15 pm. Wear your Coebourn shirt.

Sign up for the homecoming parade here!

Coebourn Elementary is now on Instagram. Find us on instagram by clicking the button below or searching @COEBOURNES on Instagram.

@COEBOURNES on Instagram

Mark Your Calendars:

Students have a 11:15 a.m. dismissal on October 9, 2024.

October 2024

10/7 - A Day - World Day of Bullying Prevention (Wear blue)

10/8 - B Day - A Band 8:00 am

10/9 - C Day - 11:15 a.m. dismissal

10/10 - D Day - Chorus 8:00 am

10/11 - E Day - Reading Olympics 8:a.m.

SV Homecoming (Parade at 6 p.m.)

10/14 - F Day

10/15 - A Day - A Band 8:00 am

10/16 - B Day

10/17 - C Day - Chorus 8:00 am

10/18 - No School (Teacher In-Service)

Link to Coebourn October Calendar

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24-25 Instructional Calendar
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Coebourn Word of the Month


Above- Student leaders attended the first Coebourn Student Council meeting of the year this past week.

1st Below- Ms. Lydon's class working on writing the letter C.

2nd Below- Welcome Mrs. Ellison to 3rd grade room 203.