Ms. Nicole Small, Principal

Week of November 11, 2024


Coebourn is thrilled to celebrate Veterans Day on November 11 with a special ceremony honoring those who have served. Students have invited their relatives who are veterans to join us for this meaningful event. The ceremony, led by our students, will feature patriotic songs by our chorus and recognize each veteran in attendance. All students will participate, making it a memorable day of gratitude and respect for our nation's heroes.

Fifth-grade student Charlotte Reeder proudly presented her essay, What a Veteran Means to Me, sharing her thoughtful reflections on the significance of veterans in our lives at the Brookhaven Borough Veteran's Day Ceremony on Thursday, November 8, 2024.

Above: Charlotte with Mayor Denise Leslie, Rep. Leanne Krueger, and a Parkside Elementary student who also shared her essay. Below: Charlotte reading her essay.


The Leader in Me Program is taught in the Guidance Classroom for grades K-5. One of the 7 habits is Be Proactive. Ms. Kirchdoerfer created a fun lesson using baking soda and vinegar to explain proactive and reactive emotions for kindergarten and first grade!

*Proactive emotions are when you stay calm, think before reacting, and handle your feelings in a way that prevents to "explosion".

*Reactive emotions are when you let your feelings take over like a volcano suddenly erupting without warning.

Being proactive with your feelings helps you stay in control!

National STEM Day - 11/8/2024

Mrs. Cameron organized a school wide STEM project for each class. Groups of students were given pipe cleaners and aluminum foil. As a group, they had to complete the challenge below.

  1. ASK: what’s the problem? (Design something out of foil and pipe cleaners).
  2. IMAGINE Have every member of the group brainstorm a solution (What can we build with this?)
  3. PLAN Have every member of the group sketch out their own design for solving the problem 
  4. Have each group choose what to build
  5. CREATE Distribute materials after they have drawn and decided
  6. SHARE/IMPROVE Decide how to share out the inventions with each other

 Coebourn Chorus Announcement

Every year, the Coebourn Chorus is invited to sing at the Brookhaven Tree Lighting Event. This is always a fabulous event with treats, activities, and of course wonderful singing. The Tree Lighting will take place on Sunday, December 8th at 6pm. All chorus members and their families are invited to attend!


If your child would like to sing at this wonderful event, please sign up using the link below. Students are asked to arrive at 5:45pm and wear warm and comfortable clothing. A parent or guardian is required to stay throughout the event since our singing portion is only about 10 minutes and students join their families for the rest of the event. Please reach out to Mrs. O'Kane with any questions.


Tree Lighting Sign Up

Parent Tech Tip from our Technology teacher, Ms. Cameron:

Be a Role Model: 4 Ways to Balance Screen Time Around Children | Common Sense Media 


Students have an 11:15 dismissal Monday 11/25,

Tuesday 11/26, & Wednesday 11/27

Please check Schoology or your email for sign-up links from your child's teacher for Parent-Teacher Conferences.

Staff Highlight

Mrs. Keren Russell

School Psychologist

Fun Facts from Mrs. Russell:

  1. I have 3 kids and 2 dogs.
  2. I enjoy running in long distance races when I have time.
  3. I love going to Disney World!
  4. Fall is my favorite season.


Book Fair is November 11-13th.

Parent Night at the Book Fair Wednesday, November 13 from 6-8 pm.

Coebourn PTL has many exciting events planned for the school year. The PTL is always looking for volunteers to help out! Join our PTL meeting on the first Thursday of the month in the Coebourn Library. Follow our PTL on Facebook at Coebourn Elementary PTL.

Coebourn Elementary is now on Instagram. Find us on instagram by clicking the button below or searching @COEBOURNES on Instagram.

@COEBOURNES on Instagram

November 2024

11/11 - E Day - B Band 8:00 am / Veteran's Day / Book Fair

11/12 - F Day - A Band 8:00 am / Book Fair

11/13 - A Day - Book Fair / Parent Night Book Fair 6 - 8 pm

11/14 - B Day - Chorus 8:00 am

11/15 - C Day

11/18 - D Day - B Band 8:00 am

11/19 - E Day - A Band 8:00 am

11/20 - F Day - Safety Patrol 8:15 am / Student Council 3:30 pm

11/21 - A Day - Chorus 8:00 am

11/22 - B Day - Reading Olympics 8:15 am

Link to Coebourn November Calendar

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Coebourn Word of the Month

Congratulations to Coebourn Student's of the Month for Respectful

Above: A new dog bowl for Daisy because she didn't like her water bowl.

Below: A pet that hates getting wet!

Above: A mama bird's nest fell out of a tree and she needed new temporary housing.

Below: This poor hamster needed a helmet since he kept falling off his wheel.