Ms. Nicole Small, Principal

Week of September 16, 2024

Thank you for attending Back to School Night! It was a wonderful evening where parents learned about school programs, curriculum, and classroom procedures. Thank you for being part of the team!

Join the Coebourn Chorus

Join the Coebourn band!

4th and 5th grade band lessons started this week.

Instrument and Sign-up Deadline-- September 20th.

Music and Arts can provide rental service 24/7.

Email for more information on band.

Join the Coebourn band

A Note From the Physical Education Teacher

Dear Parents,

We are off and running, literally, in physical education class. We are busy learning all of our new procedures right now, but we will begin soccer within the next week and a half. I wanted to write a friendly reminder that all students need to be in athletic footwear for class. I can't allow students with slip-on Vans type sneakers, boots, dress-up flats, Crocs, or any other non-athletic shoe to participate in class as it creates a safety issue. In addition, if your child is injured, please send me an email or provide your child with a hand-written note excusing them from PE. Thank you for all that you do to support us here at Coebourn.

Thank you,

John Clark 

John J. Clark

Physical Education

Coebourn Elementary School

Staff Highlight

Miss Kirchdoerfer, Guidance Teacher

Fun Facts about Miss Kirchdoerfer:

  • She used to have pet chickens.
  • She can do a back hand spring.
  • She won a limbo contest.
  • She fosters dogs.
  • She danced for 10 years. 

Miss Kirchdoerfer teaches Guidance at Coebourn on A, B, C days.

Staff Highlight

Mrs. Nicole Gordon, Art Teacher

Fun Facts about Mrs. Gordon

  1. She was a college athlete on the University of Wisconsin Women's Rowing Team.
  2. She worked at a “marketing and graphic design think tank” before returning to school to pursue education.
  3. She creates art at her studio space at the Utility Works in Lansdowne. Open studio. 10/5/2024.
  4. She has lived in Florida, Georgia, New York, Connecticut, Wisconsin and Illinois.

Mrs. Gordon teaches Art at Coebourn on D, E, F days.


Coebourn PTL has many exciting events planned for the school year. The PTL is always looking for volunteers to help out! Join our PTL meeting on the first Thursday of the month in the Coebourn Library. Follow our PTL on Facebook at Coebourn Elementary PTL.

**Don't forget PTL His & Hers Bingo is Friday, September 20th at the Municipal Center. Doors Open at 6pm & games start at 7pm. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. Many amazing prizes and raffles will be available!

Coebourn Elementary is now on Instagram. Find us on instagram by clicking the button below or searching @COEBOURNES on Instagram.

@COEBOURNES on Instagram

Mark Your Calendars:

Students have a 11:15 a.m. dismissal on September 27, 2024.

September 2024

  • 9/16 - D Day - International Dot Day
  • 9/17 - E Day
  • 9/18 - F Day
  • 9/19 - A Day
  • 9/20 - B Day - Pinwheels for Peace & PTL His & Her Bingo at 6:00 pm

at the Brookhaven Borough Hall

  • 9/23 - C Day
  • 9/24 - D Day
  • 9/25 - E Day - Picture Day
  • 9/26 - F Day
  • 9/27 - A Day - 11:15 dismissal students

Coebourn September Calendar

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24-25 Instructional Calendar
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Coebourn Word of the Month


  1. Mr. Martinez rode his dinosaur to school one day.
  2. Coebourn staff won the Penn-Delco School District "Staff Spirit Award" during the beginning in-service days. When the trophy was delivered, staff & students were excited to take pictures with the trophy.