Ms. Nicole Small, Principal

Week of December 9, 2024

Coebourn Winter Concert


  • Please ensure your children come to school with winter coats, hats, and gloves. We hold outdoor recess as long as the weather is appropriate and there is no precipitation.

Staff Highlight

Mrs. Brittany Sinclair

3rd grade teacher

Fun Facts from Mrs. Sinclair:

  1. I love reading at the beach.
  2. I have run a marathon before.
  3. I have visited 30 of the 50 states.
  4. I have one amazing son named Austin.
  5. I have been teaching in Penn Delco for 7 years.


Holiday Shop 12/11-12/12

Next PTL Meeting - January 9th at 6:30 pm

Coebourn PTL has many exciting events planned for the school year. The PTL is always looking for volunteers to help out! Join our PTL meeting on the first Thursday of the month in the Coebourn Library. Follow our PTL on Facebook at Coebourn Elementary PTL.

Coebourn Elementary is now on Instagram. Find us on instagram by clicking the button below or searching @COEBOURNES on Instagram.

@COEBOURNES on Instagram

10 School Spirit Days till Winter Break

Monday 12/09: Get Moving this Season (Wear your comfy workout clothes)

Tuesday 12/10: Holly Jolly Day (Wear your favorite holiday shirt)

Wednesday 12/11: Wear blue and white to celebrate Hanukkah

Thursday 12/12: Wear your red and green to celebrate Christmas

Friday 12/13: Cozy Up (Wear your favorite holiday socks, scarf, and/or hat

Monday 12/16: Frosty the Snowman (Wear white or a snowman)

Tuesday 12/17: Tacky Not Classy (Wear your tackiest Holiday sweater)

Wednesday 12/18: Wear red, black, and or green to celebrate Kwanzaa

Thursday 12/19: Tree Topper (Wear your favorite holiday headband or hat)

Friday 12/20: Twas the half day before winter break (Wear your PJ's)

December 2024

12/09 - E Day

12/10 - F Day

12/11 - A Day - Safety Meeting 8:15 am / Holiday Shop

12/12 - B Day - Holiday Shop / Winter Wonderland 6 - 7:30 pm

12/13 - C Day

12/16 - D Day

12/17 - E Day

12/18 - F Day - STEM Club 8 am

12/19 - A Day

12/20 - B Day - Reading Olympics 8:15 am / 11:15 Dismissal

Link to Coebourn December Calendar

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24-25 Instructional Calendar
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Coebourn Word of the Month

above: Students of the Month for November- Gratitude

below: Past Coebourn Students joined the chorus for a song & we had Santa and his Elf pay a visit.