The first shipment of coffee was in November 2008. KDB sent 26 pounds total; the Lominy family contributed 5 pounds. At that time, the family owned two small portions of land used to grow coffee. Now they have four portions of land covered with coffee and other plants.
Francois says, "When I send my coffee to Just Haiti through KDB to sell, I get more money per pound than the price in the local market. I also receive some profit after sales, and I use this to pay for my children's school fees, pay the hospital when it is necessary, buy food and take care of my family. I was even able to buy the materials to build and repair my house.
I salute and thank Just Haiti for the work done in coffee production in Haiti especially in the commune of Baraderes."
Now KDB sends more than three thousand pounds a year, and the Lominy family contributes around eight hundred pounds per year.
Francois says, "I am comfortable in this business."