Colette Aufranc


Select Board

Results Through Leadership

Running for Re-Election on March 5th

Actual Results: Regional Connections Matter

Many of the issues we face as a municipality don't stop at our borders. Having strong regional connections with other municipalities and regional organizations is critical for success.

I represent Wellesley on several regional bodies including:

  • The Metro Area Planning Council (MAPC), where I was elected by my regional peers to the Executive Board 
  • The MBTA Advisory Board, for which I am the Treasurer and sit on the Executive Committee, Chair the Budget & Audit Committee, am Vice Chair of the Commuter Rail Committee, and sit on the Climate and Clean Energy Committee
  • The Metrowest regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) Advisory Board, where I reconstituted and now chair the Audit and Finance Committee 
  • I am an active member of the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA), and regularly attend webinars and in person conferences, strengthening networks with neighboring Select Board members and municipal staff.

I have brought Wellesley's perspective to regional engagement in the Federal "Safe Streets for All" grant program with a regional award of $2mm for a Safety Action Plan, to discussions on MBTA Communities Act compliance, and to creating trails connections between municipalities across the region.

Engaging in this regional work puts Wellesley at the table, and makes me an effective advocate for our town's needs. This is no small investment of time and I am seeking a second term to continue this important work

It was great to see so many colleagues I have worked with over the past several years at the recent MMA annual conference

Upcoming Events

Conversation with the Candidates

  • Wednesday, February 7, 7:00pm
  • Wakelin Room, Wellesley Free Library

Meet candidates running for the many important town positions and hear where candidates stand on issues specifically related to sustainability.

Meet the Candidates Night

  • Thursday, February 15, 6:30 pm
  • Wakelin Room, Wellesley Free Library

The League sponsors this event to help voters make informed choices through first-hand observation of candidates’ views on issues of importance to the town.

Join the fun! Help Re-Elect Colette!

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Your donation helps defray the cost of signs, postcards, etc

Host a Yard Sign

Hosting a yard sign shows support across town for Colette

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Campaign Team

Stacy Braatz - Chair

Eunice Groark

Todd Himstead - Treasurer

Laura Brown MacKinnon


Katherine L. Babson, Jr*

Shawn Baker

Mary Bowers

Diane Campbell

Julia de Peyster

Kathy Egan

Ben Elwy

Mike & Nicole Ferrante

Kelly Friendly

Wendy Garber

Ellen Gibbs*

Trish Glass

Neal Goins

Katie Griffith

Annie Hall

Judson Jaffe

Erry Johnson

Rusty Kellogg

Matt Kelley

Pam Kubbins

Liz Larsen

Suzy Littlefield

Melissa Martin

Matthew McKay

Christine Mizzi

Jack Morgan*

Tim & Patty Morgan

Dave Murphy*

Hank Newman

Niki Brinkman Ofenloch

Laura Olton

Byron Pavano

Pam Posey

Ilissa Povich

Quentin & Delissa Prideax

Joelle Reidy

Brook & Marissa Rosenbaum

Barbara Searle*

Kayla Sheets

Doug Smith

Mason Smith

Alejandra Tejada

Phyllis Theermann

Terri Tsagaris*

Michael Tobin

Yolanda & Bobby Tong

Andera Ward

Maura & Ted Wayman

Kathleen Woodward

Brent Willess

*Former Select Board Member

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