Technology News

Collaborative Technology Solving Labor Shortages

Screwdriving with Cobots

Faced with severe labor shortages and reshoring initiatives, large and small manufacturers are investing in collaborative screwdriving systems that enable humans and robots to work in close proximity on assembly lines.

Utilizing Robotiq’s off-the-shelf screwdriving systems, robots make it easy to do quick changeovers and run small, varying size batches of related assemblies.

Learn more about Screwdriving with Cobots

Simple, Adjustable Panel Mounting

item Multiblock PA

Multiblock PA is inserted into the profile groove at any position to provide easy, adjustable panel mounting. Light cladding panels and panel elements made from Acrylic Glass, Plastic or Compound Material must be provided with a bore at the appropriate location and screwed to the Multiblock.

Multiblock PA has two mounting locations plus a height adjuster which combine to give four offset positions from the edge of the profile. This allows different distances to be set to the edge of the profile so that panel elements of varying thicknesses can be screwed on flush.

More about Multiblock PA

Integrated Motor Actuators

Long life with a compact modular design

The IMA series are integrated linear servo actuators designed in a compact, heavy duty package.


Available in standard and food-grade models with ball and roller screw/nut selections for multiple application flexibility.

  • Integrated motor design reduces commissioning time and ongoing maintenance
  • Compact size is ideal for applications with space and weight limitations
  • Rigid coupling between screw and motor increases accuracy and responsiveness
  • IP69K certified option for use in wash-down environments

Learn more about IMA Series Actuators

What is HDDM+ Technology?

High Definition Distance Measurement Plus

This SICK Sensors blog post will shed some light on the patented HDDM+ technology, including what it is, how it works, key applications, and the advantages it can add to your operation.

HDDM+ utilizes time-of-flight (TOF) measurement for non-contact distance measurement. The distance measurement is practically independent of the target object’s surface properties.

Learn More About HDDM+ Technology

Upcoming Training: Mitsubishi GX Works3 Programming
October 10-13, 2023
Cypress, CA

This 4-day course is intended to introduce and take an in-depth look at the features and programming languages of the GX Works3 software. It provides full descriptions of Ladder, ST, SFC, and FBD/LD languages utilizing label based programming.
Register to Attend
Clayton Controls Inc. - Headquarters, 2865 Pullman Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705

Campbell Office, 1671 Dell Ave., Suite 110, Campbell, CA 95008

Central California Office, 109 Fox Street, Lemoore, CA 93245

Arizona/Southern Nevada Office, 4343 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 150, Scottsdale, AZ 85252
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