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September 22, 2021

College & Career Happenings

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SchooLinks is our new College & Career Planning platform. Students can research colleges and careers through SchooLinks and sign up for virtual visits with college representatives. Seniors will use SchooLinks to request letters of recommendation and transcripts to be sent to colleges. Students will login to Clever to access their SchooLinks account and log in with their 6+2 and DCS password. SchooLinks tutorials can be found HERE. Seniors were all trained in their English class on how to use SchooLinks.

Senior College Applications

Seniors should be busily working on college applications, including writing their college essay. Seniors need to request transcripts and letters of recommendation (if required) through SchooLinks by October 15th if they have a November 1st deadline. Please keep an eye on those deadlines!

Financial Aid & FAFSA

On October 1st, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opens for college-bound Seniors and their parents to complete. This application can be linked to your IRS account to retrieve your 2020 tax information and populate much of the FAFSA. Ohio Weselyan University & Mrs. Pollard will team up to host an in-person Financial Aid Night on Oct 6th at 6 PM in the Hayes Library.

Virtual College Rep Visits 

Many colleges are hosting virtual college rep visits with Hayes students this Fall. Students should sign up in SchooLinks to virtually attend. Click HERE for registration directions and a calendar of visits. Check back frequently as new colleges sign up daily!

A number of college fairs are being hosted in-person and virtually. Check out THIS virtual college fair calendar as well as the Marion Area College Fair being held at the OSU-Marion/Marion Technical Collge's Alber Center on Fri, Oct 1st from Noon-1:30 PM.

Cap & Gown Ordering

Jostens will meet with seniors during 9th period on Thurs, Oct 7th and will hand out important Cap and Gown ordering information. If a senior is unable to attend the meeting, packets will be available in the main officer AFTER the meeting. Packets will be dropped off at DACC for full-time DACC seniors. Orders may also be placed online HERE.

2021-22 Delhi Yearbook

To share photographs with the yearbook

 staff or to BUY your 2021-22 yearbook for the LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR, click HERE.


Submit Senior Portraits for the DelHi Yearbook HERE into "Senior" album. Submit Senior Quote HERE. (Code: delhi2022) Photographs and quotations are DUE on or BEFORE January 15th and must be submitted through students' Google account.


The PSAT will be offered at Hayes for interested Juniors and Sophomores on Wednesday, October 13th. The cost is $18 and will be added to school fees. Students should register by October 6th, using THIS LINK. This is a great opportunity for Juniors who will be taking the state SAT in March to take a practice test!

Wendy's Heisman Competition for Senior Student-Athletes

The Heisman High School Scholarship, presented by Acceptance Insurance, extends the Heisman prestige to our nation’s most esteemed male and female high school seniors by recognizing and rewarding outstanding scholar-athletes who understand that the most important victories not only happen on the field, but in their schools and communities. Seniors interested in applying, should do so HERE.

College Athletics

Planning to be a college athlete? Now is a great time to be looking at the requirements for NCAA and NAIA. Due to COVID-19, eligibility criteria has changed, so be sure to check each website for eligibility changes. Additional information for college athletes can also be found HERE.

Hayes & College Application/ACT/SAT Fee Waivers

Although school meals are free this year, you sill need to complete a Free and Reduced application in order to determine if you qualify for a fee waivers. A new application must be submitted each school year. You may apply online HERE.

Upcoming Events

Ohio Wesleyan University will be offering a Future Generation Investors program. Click HERE for more details. Contact Barbara MacLeod, OWU Economics Chair, at or 740-368-3547 if interested.

Ohio State University is offering a Youth Philanthropy Leadership Certificate to interested students. The first workshop is Sept 26th. Visit HERE for more details.

The US Merchant Marine Academy will be hosting a virtual information session on Sept 28th at 6:30 PM. Register HERE.

The University of Findlay will be hosting a Pharmacy Day on Oct 8th. Register HERE.

Make a Difference Day on Nov 13th is a great day to volunteer in Delaware County. Visit HERE for more details on volunteering.

For students interested in Communications, Ohio University is offering a Scripps First program. More information can be found HERE.

WiNUP STEM DAY is Oct 20th. Details below. Register Here.

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Pollard Headshot

From the Desk of

Mrs. Jennifer Pollard

College & Career Counselor

Contact Information:


Appointment Calendar

Twitter @jenrpollard

Helpful Links:

College & Career Website

Mrs. Pollard's YouTube Channel

Graduation & Commencement Information 

College & Career Checklists by Grade Level

College Credit Plus (including Textbook, Placement Testing & Athletic Eligibility Information)

Local Scholarships (Not Just for Seniors!)

ACT & SAT Prep Materials

ACT Test Dates & Registration Deadlines

SAT Test Dates & Registration Deadlines

Rutherford B. Hayes

High School

289 Euclid Ave

Delaware, OH 43015

Main Office:


Attendance Office:


Athletic Office:


Counseling Office:

