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November 2021

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What's in this Newsletter?

  • Research Findings
  • Professional Learning Opportunities
  • Awards and Recognition
  • How You Can Help

Research Findings

M-PReP Year 4 Report

In the 2020-21 school year, the Math Pipeline Readiness Project (M-PReP) pivoted to support math teachers and counselors in remote instruction. Professional development and research focused on the implementation and evaluation of remote math instruction in grades 6-12, including the SLAM dual-enrollment intervention program for high school seniors. Research findings are provided for Remote Learning in 6-12 Mathematics (2020-21 cohort), SLAM Dual-Enrollment Outcomes (2020-21 cohort), and College Outcomes (2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 cohorts).

Remote Learning in Grades 6-12 Mathematics

Our general conclusions are that the attitudes around the remote pivot and experiences of the academic year 2020-2021 were stressful for most students and teachers. However, in terms of student learning, approximately three-fourths of students reported that their remote learning experience was generally good. Of the students in grades 6-12 who completed surveys (4,490 in Fall 2020 and 2,510 in Spring 2021), 20% preferred learning math online to in-person and would choose this modality in the future. This statistic was similar for undergraduate college students pre-pandemic.

SLAM Dual-Enrollment Outcomes

Participation in dual-enrollment courses, as well as pass rates, held with 439 students during the campus closures. The aggregate pass rate of 84% in 2020-21 was the same as the average pass rate from the previous seven years of implementation. A trend continued with SLAM STEM students outperforming SLAM Statistics students.

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College Outcomes

College course-level data were attained for 222 SLAM alumni who graduated high school in 2018, 2019, or 2020. Of these alumni, 80% passed a college-level math course with a grade of C- or higher. The outcomes below are disaggregated by SLAM course and college math pathway.

SLAM Stats alumni outperformed STEM alumni in college calculus. While the population of students taking college calculus is small, previous reports found similar outcomes in college STEM math pathways for both SLAM Stats and SLAM STEM alumni. These findings suggest that a positive experience in any dual-enrollment math may impact future college STEM outcomes.

Initial trends for 1-Year College Return rates for SLAM alumni for the Classes of 2018 and 2019 continue to be positive, matching or outpacing the national 4-year average.

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Professional Learning Opportunities

K-16 Academics Professional Development

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K-12 Course

Learning-Based Grading™ to Mitigate Learning Loss

Please contact us for the next cohort


Higher Ed Course

Learning-Based Grading™ Course for Higher Ed

Next cohort starts January 12, 2022


College Counseling Professional Development

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Free Webinars

The Balanced College List: Making the best use of fee waivers

November 3, 2021

2:30 pm


Inside UC Admissions - How Holistic Review Works

November 10, 2021

2:30 pm


Financial Aid Focus: California College Promise Program (Community Colleges)

November 17, 2021

2:30 pm


College Counseling Professional Membership

The College Counseling Membership is designed for teachers, counselors, and administrators looking to continue their professional development throughout the 2021-22 academic year. All levels include access to Canvas courses, weekly newsletters, webinars, and other select resources. Higher tiers offer discounts on conferences and workshops as well as direct, one-on-one access to a college counseling expert. Click the button below for details.

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Learn More

Awards and Recognition

Learning-Based Grading™ Higher Ed Scholarship

As part of our commitment to making high-quality professional development available to a wide audience, we are offering a limited number of scholarships for our Learning-Based Grading™ Course for Higher Ed. This scholarship is open to those teaching at an institution of higher education (including graduate students) who want to further their professional development in terms of grading and assessment. Click the button below to find out more about our scholarships.

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Learn More

College Bridge in Government Technology News

College Bridge was recently featured in Government Technology News, discussing our latest M-PReP research findings. In this article, writer Brandon Paykamian talks with College Bridge Founder and CEO Dr. Lynn Cevallos about remote learning, and how some Black and Latino students benefited from receiving lessons online as opposed to in person. Click the button below to read the article in its entirety.

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Read the Article

How You Can Help

Spotlight Campaign — Sponsor an Instructor

Did you know?

  • School closures have left educators struggling to find ways to mitigate learning loss.
  • The first step is to identify what a student has learned and the level of proficiency gained.
  • Learning-Based Grading™ helps students articulate what they have learned from a course.
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College Bridge’s K-16 Academic Programs provides facilitated, asynchronous professional development to mitigate learning loss for K-12 and higher ed students. Please donate today, and sponsor an instructor throughout 2021-22. Your gift helps support students' educational dreams!

Donate Now

Our Vision

To transform the K–16 educational system by identifying and eliminating barriers that prevent underrepresented students from progressing to and through college.

Our Mission

To create student-focused systemic change in K–16 institutions that ensures both college readiness and success.

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