As we navigate the wave of “new normal” messages and news, it seems only fitting to add a splash of Engineering information to the pool. My hope is that instead of drowning in a deluge of email, you’ll soak up all the helpful tidbits in this note – from RCM to flexible work arrangements to miscellaneous news – and stand ready to dive in to our next term.
Not enough summer water metaphors for you? Then allow me to simply offer you this weather-related wish: stay cool! 
Sharon L. Walker, PhD
Dean, College of Engineering
RCM Ahead

The University’s budget management and process has long been a subject of discussion, and I feel it is important to report the latest news on this front as it pertains to the operations of our college. As you may have heard, RCM – or Responsibility Centered Management – is moving forward at Drexel. While there has not been a broader detailed announcement, the steps of educating the leadership team by the Provost have begun. Most importantly, here are some things to keep in mind at this time:

  • On July 1, we entered FY22. RCM will have an impact on how the college is allocated resources beginning in FY23.
  • Our college leadership team will be running simulations to optimize how we budget for the future. While RCM is a method of allocating revenues and expenses based on algorithms, we still can – and must be – in the mindset of being strategic and spending responsibly.
  • As an example, priorities that align with our strategic plan implementation, and that we can influence as an engineering community, include:
  • student success and the quality of the student experience;
  • growth of competitive, market-driven graduate programs;
  • enhanced research activity and funding.

Currently, I do not have additional details, but please know that as we learn more about how RCM will affect Engineering, I will be sure to keep you posted.  
Plans for Fall Return

On June 10, the president, provost and chief officers at Drexel emailed all faculty and staff with updates regarding vaccination and the return to campus. While the Drexel HR Pilot involved baseline surveys and you also should have received an email update on the pilot from HR, I do not yet have more detailed results. That said, I can share that the goal remains to streamline the University’s flexible work policy, procedures and implementation. In the interim, please keep the following in mind:

  • As shared by the Provost, the financial health and stability of Drexel depends on our efficiency and the quality of services we provide our students. We must deliver on that promise, and that means supporting the on-campus teaching and research activities of the University.
  • If we have learned anything from operating through a pandemic, it is the need for flexibility. I understand this is something many, if not most of you, will seek. In the context of this as well as our obligation to our mission, I have asked each Department Head to develop by August 1 a plan for their unit, including discussions with staff about what the return to campus looks like, from flexible work arrangements to work spaces and office coverage.
  • Your official return date is outlined in the Return to Work letter you received previously.
  • Regardless of your return date, I encourage you to consider returning to your office for at least a brief visit on a date earlier than that to test electronics, conduct a general office “check-in” and remind yourself what it feels like to be on campus. You might also consider popping in to say hello to our core team who never stopped having an on-campus presence – they are eager to see your friendly faces once more!
  • I will be in the office on Mondays this summer, and encourage you to stop by as you are comfortable and able.
Good & Upcoming News

  • Dean’s Fellows: We will launch another round of the Dean’s Fellows program this upcoming year. Please keep an eye out for more information on the application process, which I expect will be out in the coming weeks.
  • Department Head Update: We are commencing the five-year review of Dr. Cameron Abrams in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Stay tuned for more information at the department level.
  • Engineering Faculty Searches: I am excited that we are another step closer to launching faculty cluster searches in the upcoming academic year, in alignment with areas of our strategic plan. My thanks to those who have agreed to serve on those search committees. Once the call for applications is out, I trust you will share with your own talented networks!
  • Environmental Collaboratory: A new strategic initiative of our College of Engineering, CoAS and ANS, the inaugural Executive Director of The Environmental Collaboratory search is now live. Please share as you see fit.