CDN Update

I am delighted that the 2018 College Awards have attracted a record number of entries from across the country. A huge thank you to all the colleges that have submitted an entry, and best of luck to you all! This year we have added more categories, and our awards ceremony will be bigger than ever. It takes place on Thursday 25 October at Radisson Blu, Glasgow – and the shortlist will be announced Monday 3 September. Further details can be found below. 

We are already gearing up for a busy start to the next academic session and have some fantastic new events ready to sign up for now. In September we will be running a workshop in partnership with the Scottish Institute for Enterprise, designed to help lecturers introduce innovation and enterprise skills into the curriculum. In October we launch a brand new course for board secretaries, run in partnership with Dr Ron Hill, Honorary Professor of Education at the University of Stirling.

Keep an eye on our website for further professional development opportunities as they come online. We have already started planning for next year’s College Expo, and further details will be available over the coming weeks.

Please, as ever, don’t hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of our work: jim.metcalfe@cdn.ac.uk. I hope you are having a great summer break, and I look forward to seeing you at CDN events, network meetings, training sessions and conferences in the new session!
Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive, College Development Network (CDN)
Record number of entries for College Awards
We are absolutely delighted to have received a record number of entries for the College Awards 2018. Our fantastic judges will be meeting early next month, and the shortlist will be revealed on Monday 3 September. The Awards Ceremony takes place Thursday 25 October, Radisson Blu, Glasgow. 
Are your students ‘Future Ready’?
CDN is running a workshop on Wednesday 26 September, in partnership with the Scottish Institute for Enterprise. The event is designed to help lecturers and teachers introduce innovation and enterprise skills into the curriculum in a way that helps students and pupils embrace the relevance of these skills. This session is hands-on and interactive.
Bespoke training for Board Secretaries: Reflective Practice
We are delighted to be working in partnership with Dr Ron Hill, Honorary Professor of Education at the University of Stirling on the delivery of a bespoke training programme for Board Secretaries. The course comprises a half day workshop and three mentoring session over the academic year, plus a half day debrief and practice sharing session.
Language Linking Business Thinking
This conference will demonstrate innovative approaches to building the bridge between employers and education – and the role of languages in the creation of an outward-looking labour market. It will also present employability resources.
Management and Leadership Courses 2018-19
CDN is offering two courses that provide eligibility for CMI (Chartered Management Institute) membership – Management and Leadership SCQF 8 and Strategic Management and Leadership SCQF 11. Each is a five-day programme with start dates in September 2018 and February 2019. These courses are offered exclusively to staff in colleges across Scotland.
Weekly round-up of college news
Every Friday CDN issues an online round-up of what’s been happening across the college sector. It’s free and very quick and easy to sign up. Do please let us know if there is anything that you would like us to add to the round-up, too.
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