This month has been an
intense and busy one at
CDN, with the delivery of a
range of
exciting and popular events as part of our annual Emporium of innovation-focused networking and CPD opportunities.
I was delighted to welcome Shirley-Anne Somerville, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science to deliver the keynote address at our Gender Equality Conference on 20 June. A variety of fantastic speakers and participants explored key drivers around gender equality and shared best practice from across the education and vocational landscape.
The finale of the CDN Emporium 2017 asked: how good are we at developing employability in our learners? More than 200 participants were challenged to identify what they would improve or do differently in response to their learning from the day.
We were also delighted with our 'To VC or not to VC' event in June, where tech experts from across industry, colleges and universities gathered to discuss the future of remote communications for education. This event is helping us to review how we improve VC opportunities in our own work at CDN, learning from sector expertise.
Looking ahead to next session, a number of important events are already planned, including a vibrant Food and Drink Careers Expo, which is open to staff, students and employers.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss our work in more detail: jim.metcalfe@cdn.ac.uk
Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive, College Development Network (CDN)
Good progress on gender but more to be
The Minister for Further Education, Higher Education
and Science, Shirley-Anne Somerville opened the Gender Equality Conference on 20 June, saying: 'Education has to play an integral role in challenging gender stereo types and colleges play an important part on that.' She went on to say: 'The college sector is doing a great deal in terms of gender equality ... but we need to push that progress further.' Watch the Minister's full address
How go
are we at developing employability in learners?
CDN's employability conference took place on 23 June and attracted more than 200 participants, who enjoyed a day of learning and networking. The conference took place in a marquee at West Lothian College, where delegates had the chance to engage with a variety of initiatives and organisations. To accompany the event, the CDN website highlights many of the policies and frameworks that impact on developing employability and essential skills and these are on the CDN website.
Food and Drink Careers Expo
 Around 27,000 jobs will emerge from Scotland's food and drink sector between now and 2030. CDN's Food and Drink Careers Expo will provide information to staff and students about how to get involved in one of Scotland's fastest growing industries. This event will be hands-on and interactive, from cooking demonstrations to scientific experiments. Participants will experience the supply chain from fork to plate and learn about the wide range of careers on offer, including within manufacturing and engineering.
Book your place
June in numbers
We welcomed
774 delegates to
14 events; heard from a range of fantastic speakers, including the
Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and
Science and the
Chair of Scottish Golf.
In addition, we were delighted to include a number of students, including Craig Davidson,
student in HNC Care and Administrative Practice at Glasgow Clyde College, who provided a popular and inspirational workshop session.
Over the past four years:
Weekly round-up of college news
Every Friday CDN issues an online round-up of what's been happening across the college sector. It's free and very quick and easy to sign up. Do please let us know if there is anything that you would like us to add to the round-up, too.
Take a look at the latest version and subscribe
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