CDN Update

Earlier this month we celebrated the range and depth of exceptional work taking place across our colleges at CDN’s inaugural College Expo. Over two days hundreds of colleagues attended 95 sessions, engaging in hands-on learning, debate and networking. Feedback from the event confirms the value of a dedicated landmark event on this scale for the college sector.

CDN’s Board and Leadership Team are delighted to announce the launch of CDN’s first Fellowship programme, which will bring an ambitious future perspective to the work of the organisation and the wider college sector. Find out more below.

I am very pleased to have invited all colleges and partners to submit entries for this year’s College Awards. We have added additional categories to what will be a bigger awards ceremony than ever. If your college deserves recognition then find out how you can get involved below, but hurry, the deadline for submissions is 2 July!

We are working closely with college colleagues and partners around the Learner Journey review, and in this issue we provide an important update on the College Improvement Project.

Don’t miss the chance to have your say on next generation college leadership training and development – the survey closes on Friday 29 June, please see below for more information.

And finally, I am sure many of you will join me in wishing Candy Munro, CDN’s Director of Leadership and Governance a very happy retirement. As well as significantly driving forward CDN’s work around governance and leadership, Candy served as acting Chief Executive of CDN 2016-17 and this year has led on the review of the Professional Standards. I am personally very grateful to Candy for all the hard work and expertise she has brought to CDN. While Candy retires at the end of this college session, I am delighted that she won’t be a stranger and will continue to provide us with guidance and support for governance in the months ahead. 

Please, as ever, don’t hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of our work: jim.metcalfe@cdn.ac.uk

Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive, College Development Network (CDN)
CDN’s first Fellowship programme launched
CDN has announced the launch of its first Fellowship programme to support the development of ground-breaking initiatives. CDN’s Fellowship will bring an ambitious future perspective to the work of the organisation and the wider college sector. CDN is ambitious to grow its impact across the sector and Scotland’s regional economies, and the Fellows will support that ambition. The roles are non-remunerated.
Showcasing excellence: College Expo18
CDN’s first College Expo was a demonstration of the range and depth of exceptional work taking place across the sector. Hundreds of colleagues gathered over two days to learn, debate and network. 93% of visitors rated their overall experience of College Expo as either excellent or good; 94% rated the content as excellent or good; and 96% stated that the event would have a positive impact on their practice.   
College Awards 2018 open for entries
Will 2018 be your winning year? If you’re proud of your college and its work, have that recognised by entering the College Awards 2018. Entries close 2 July. 
Candy Munro to retire
Candy Munro, Director of Leadership and Governance with College Development Network is due to retire at the end of this college session. As well as significantly driving forward CDN’s work around governance and leadership, Candy acted as Chief Executive of CDN 2016-17 and this year has lead on the review of the Professional Standards. While we wish her a very happy retirement, Candy won’t be a stranger as she will continue to provide guidance and support for governance.
Small change, big impact:
How five colleges are responding to the FE attainment challenge
Colleges sit at the heart of the learner journey and provide education and training for a wide and diverse group of learners. Responding to their different learning styles and support needs remains a key priority to ensure all learners successfully complete their course and progress to higher level study and/or work.

Learner diversity is greatest within further education and currently around a third of students who enrol on a further education course for a recognised qualification don’t complete the course successfully. This trend has continued with only minor improvement since AY 2008/09 when stats were first published.

Every time a person fails to complete a course or does not achieve a recognised grade, there is a personal and financial cost. For the learner it means coping with uncertainty, a sense of failure and facing hard decisions about what to do next.

Five colleges are responding to this challenge and, as part of the College Improvement Project, for the past 12 months have been applying a quality improvement methodology to teaching and learning, student support and the full involvement of learners in all aspects of college life.

Find out more about the project , and how you can use the methodology in your own improvement work.
Next generation of college senior leaders: survey
CDN is undertaking a review of college leadership training and development. The review aims to determine how we can better support development of the next generation of leaders through a collaborative and collective approach.
Please complete the Leadership Development Survey and forward to colleagues.
Management and Leadership Courses 2018-19
CDN is offering two courses that provide eligibility for CMI (Chartered Management Institute) membership – Management and Leadership SCQF 8 and Strategic Management and Leadership SCQF 11. Each is a five-day programme with start dates in September 2018 and February 2019. These courses are offered exclusively to staff in colleges across Scotland.
PDA Advancing Equality and Diversity
CDN is offering a unique opportunity to undertake the PDA Advancing Equality and Diversity through Inclusiveness - SCFQ Level 9. This qualification is aimed at anyone working in a teaching and learning environment. It is flexible and is delivered online through CDN LearnOnline , with support from the course tutor.
Weekly round-up of college news
Every Friday CDN issues an online round-up of what’s been happening across the college sector. It’s free and very quick and easy to sign up. Do please let us know if there is anything that you would like us to add to the round-up, too.
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