CDN Update

College Expo18 kicks off in under one week! I very much hope to welcome you to this ambitious inaugural event for everyone involved in vocational education and training. Find out below how you can book your place.

This month Scotland played host to a unique and highly successful gathering of college leaders and education policy makers from across the Four Nations of the UK. The two-day event, which took place in Edinburgh, was sponsored by CDN in partnership with Colleges Scotland. Edinburgh College’s EH15 training restaurant provided a wonderful setting for the event dinner, attended by the Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP. The students showcased their exceptional talent by producing an incredible meal. 

This year we have reviewed and refreshed some of our key professional development opportunities for college staff. I’m pleased to highlight options which are already available for 2018-19 - the PDA Advancing Equality and Diversity and two management and leadership courses that provide eligibility for CMI (Chartered Management Institute) membership. Find out more below about these high quality professional development opportunities.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of our work: jim.metcalfe@cdn.ac.uk

Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive, College Development Network (CDN)
College Expo18 … less than one week to go
It’s not too late to book your place for College Expo18. We’ve attracted a fantastic line up of speakers, interactive sessions and debates.
Scotland hosts Four Nations college leaders gathering
On 23 May Edinburgh played host to a unique and highly successful gathering of college leaders and education policy makers from across the Four Nations of the UK. The event was sponsored by CDN in partnership with Colleges Scotland. Edinburgh College’s EH15 training restaurant provided a wonderful setting for dinner and the students showcased their talent with an incredible meal. 
Next generation of college senior leaders: survey
CDN is undertaking a review of college leadership training and development. The review aims to determine how we can better support development of the next generation of leaders through a collaborative and collective approach.
Please complete the Leadership Development Survey and forward to colleagues.
College Awards 2018 open for entries
Will 2018 be your winning year? If you’re proud of your college and its work, have that recognised by entering the College Awards 2018. Entries close 2 July. 
Management and Leadership Courses 2018-19
CDN is offering two courses that provide eligibility for CMI (Chartered Management Institute) membership – Management and Leadership SCQF 8 and Strategic Management and Leadership SCQF 11. Each is a five-day programme with start dates in September 2018 and February 2019. These courses are offered exclusively to staff in colleges across Scotland.
PDA Advancing Equality and Diversity
CDN is offering a unique opportunity to undertake the PDA Advancing Equality and Diversity through Inclusiveness - SCFQ Level 9. This qualification is aimed at anyone working in a teaching and learning environment. It is flexible and is delivered online through CDN LearnOnline , with support from the course tutor.
Weekly round-up of college news
Every Friday CDN issues an online round-up of what’s been happening across the college sector. It’s free and very quick and easy to sign up. Do please let us know if there is anything that you would like us to add to the round-up, too.
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