Hi. I'm Sue Morrow, editor of News Photographer (all digital) Magazine. It's been a while since y'all have heard from me directly in the newsletter. I hope these links will bring some value to your week. I have been drawn to a lot of sports lately. Not just the incredible Olympic photography but football coverage has been mighty fine, too. And, I live in Athens, Ohio, the hometown of #WhoDey Bengal Joe Burrow. It's true; this college town does punch above its weight. But this Jay L. Clendenin photo is how I felt on Sunday night. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or DM on Twitter.
1. From News Photographer Magazine: Eric Maierson collected thoughts from various people for his "It's a Process" column: "Creative advice and staying productive during the pandemic." It's great fodder for post-pandemic life, too.

2. Students, mark your calendars: Join NPPA student representative Matt McCabe on Feb. 24, 8:30-9:30 p.m. EST for a Student Town Hall. Students, educators, members and nonmembers are welcome to join in, ask questions and suggest ideas. Pre-register for the event here.
3. The Northern Short Course will be held virtually from March 31 to April 2. The deadline for the NSC photo and multimedia contest is Monday, Feb. 21, 2022, at 4 p.m. EST. NPPA members in the New England, New York/International and Mid-Atlantic Regions (formerly Regions 1, 2, and 3) are eligible to enter.

4. Running a photo business costs how much?? On Feb. 25 at noon EST, PhotoShelter will host a conversation with Greg Smith — the creator of NPPA's Cost of Doing Business Calculator — and go over his tips for thinking critically about how much money you're spending on your business. Register here.

5. This is a wonderful backstory from National Geographic Storytelling Fellow Tara Roberts on her first cover story:

"Every single one of these photographs featured in the March issue gives me goosebumps and not just because I am the first black woman explorer to ever be on the cover of National Geographic (@NatGeo) magazine! It's been an honor and a privilege to be counted among the many people who are doing the hard work of bringing the stories of these shipwrecks up from the depths and into the light. I want to give a special shout out to the one and only, Wayne Lawrence (@WayneLawrence), one of the best portrait photographers in the US, for so skillfully and beautifully capturing the strength and determination of the folks in these images."
6. Congrats to the 2021 POY student clip contest winner Vincent Alban, left, and runner-up Shafkat Anowar, right, and our Student Chapter of the Year, the Rochester Institute of Technology! Get to know the winners and see their photos in this magazine story.

Speaking of clip contests, there are new rules and leadership changes. But first, a huge thank you and big gratitude to Matt Gade, who is stepping away after many years of volunteer service leading the Monthly News Clip Contest. Andy Colwell and Natalie Behring kick off 2022 as the new co-chairs. All the details are here.

7. On Sunday, John Biever covered his 56th Super Bowl. Since its inception, he is the only photographer to have covered every big game.

8. I'm a sucker for inspirational sports sagas. NPPA member and Cincinnati Enquirer photojournalist Meg Vogel asked Bengals fans to send her video clips of their reactions to the championship game (pre-Super Bowl). Her edit of 300+ video clips is delightful, and it has more than 82K views.
And speaking of sports: Olympics! I haven't been regularly watching on television, but many Instagram posts from China will knock your socks off. Here are a few of the photographers I have been following:

9. Now in its ninth year, BigPicture encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their work to this competition that celebrates and illustrates the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspires action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery.

Also, they are offering 50% off competition entry fees to women photographers as part of their Women in Wildlife Photography initiative. There is more on their Instagram post regarding this initiative.

10. "The Name of This Interviewee Is David Byrne" — a solid bookend to item No. 1 — is a splendid interview with one of my favorite musicians/artists. And check out his website, Reasons to Be Cheerful, because we do have reasons to be cheerful. #somegoodnews

Turning it up to 11 this week (because why not?): Copies of NPPA's "The Best of Photojournalism | Eyes on History" book are for sale on nppa.org. Current NPPA members should have received a copy of the book via the USPS. QR codes throughout the book link to the BOP 2021 site.
Student, professional and retiree memberships are available in addition to numerous benefits.
Click here for more information.
The NPPF is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and is also the place to make a tax-deductible donation to the work of the NPPA.
The NPPA is the best advocate for the legal rights of visual journalists. Click here for our advocacy page.
Donate directly here.