Spring 2023 NEWSLETTER
New Term - New Goals- New Accomplishments
Welcome to Spring 2023 term from the College of Business at Governors State University!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and are ready for new opportunities and challenges the new year brings!
In Fall 2022, COB faculty, staff and students had many great accomplishments that are worth celebration! COB earned full extension of its AACSB accreditation, the hallmark of quality business programs shared by less than 6% of business schools around the world. As an AACSB accredited business school, the COB at GSU strives to continuously improve its programs and curriculum, and provide the knowledge, skills, and competencies our students need to succeed in the ever-changing global market.
Preparing our students for a successful career is one of our major focuses. I am glad to report that the third annual COB Internship and Career Fair, held on campus on November 10, 2022, was a great success! Twenty five employers attended the event to meet with COB students and alumni and share employment opportunities at their companies. Many students were invited for formal interviews after the event and several were hired as part-time or full-time employees already!
In Spring 2023, we will continue to implement our Strategy 2025, while transitioning to the 2020 AACSB accreditation standards. One of the major initiatives COB will focus on this year, is to enhance its societal impact by focusing on three selected UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs): Quality Education (Goal 4), Industry Innovation, Workforce Development, Economic Growth and Sustainability (Goals 8 & 9), and Reducing Inequalities (Goal 10).  Click to continue
Business Students & Alumni Making Moves
College of Business students and alumni often continue their careers in the workforce or graduate school. Our featured students and alumni have based their success on the education obtained at the College of Business. Click on their profiles to learn more.
White Male, brown hair, smiling, GSU black sweatshirt on and blue shirt
James Adduci
B.A. Business and Applied Science - 2022
Smiling black woman with red locks and black top with sheer sleeves
Procurement Agent
Master of Business Administration - 2017
African American male with glasses, black jacket, blue shirt and blue tie
Ernest Walker
B.S. Accounting- current student
New Certificate Programs
The College of Business is proud to announce our two new graduate certificate programs- Graduate Certificate in General Management and Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics. Both are now accepting applications! These AACSB-accredited programs will be stackable for candidates interested in continuing towards their graduate degree or for industry professionals looking to enhance and improve their business acumen. These are great for alumni looking to update their professional skills.
New College of Business Advisory Board Members
White male, white shirt, grey jacket and blue tie
Manager of Global Transportation
White male, white shirt, yellow tie and black jacket
Senior Managing Consultant
Graduate Information Session Series 2023
As the College of Business graduate programs continue to grow and given the need to address increased demand, we are hosting a series of graduate information sessions to accommodate applicant questions. Our graduate academic advisor and manager of enrollment lead these content-rich sessions. To see the complete schedule, click this link.
Faculty Research
Research is crucial to every university. Having faculty whose research is relevant and exciting helps provide context and connectivity to the world around us, our university community, students, and business constituents. The research of these faculty members are examples of the caliber of work being done in the College of Business at Governors State University.
Dr. Tricia Kerns
Let's be Social....
Have you joined the club! The College of Business now has 10,000 alumni, click here to let us know what you have been up to, provide professional updates, or register to attend an upcoming event.
Business Week 2023
Governors State University, College of Business is excited to announce Business Week 2023. This interactive and informative event offers engaging professional networking and learning opportunities to the college’s key stakeholders - businesses, students, alumni, and the community. Join us on April 27, 2023, at Governors State University, Engbretson Hall, for cocktails, dinner, and conversation with Jeremy Joyce, owner of Black People Eats, LLC.

Jeremy owns Black People Eats, LLC, a digital advertising company that promotes black-owned food and beverage businesses. He highlights these companies through food reviews, videos/pictures, and his black restaurant directory ( His team's primary focus is on black-owned establishments only because they want to serve as a platform that gives black-owned food businesses a global voice. Once he realized how black restaurants were not promoted as much as they should be on other media platforms, he wanted to be the catalyst for change. This event will have something for everyone and is not to be missed.

Tickets are required.
Governors State University
1 University Parkway,
University Park, IL 60484-0975
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