January 2023
New year brings leadership moment
As we turn the calendar forward to another new year, we are in a leadership moment. I have often
used the well-known phrase, “for such a time as this,” when addressing ATS school leaders. It comes from the book of Esther (4:14), in which Mordecai presses Esther that, perhaps, she had come into royal power in Persia for “such a time as this” to advocate on behalf of the Jewish people. We are in such a moment of leadership among ATS member schools—leaders and schools are being called into positions to face this dynamic and changing landscape with creativity and hope. Read more. Listen to more.
ATS welcomes new face and staff transition
The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) is pleased to announce Elise W. Sutter as administrative assistant for student data, and the transition of Meghan Niskach to conference coordinator. ATS has made several changes to its staff in the past year to better serve its member schools as they navigate opportunities and challenges. Read more. Listen to more.
ATS seeks feedback on public draft of revised Annual Report Form 
ATS is requesting feedback from its membership on the public draft of the comprehensively revised Annual Report Form before its final implementation this fall. Read more. Listen to more.
ATS seminarians explore intercultural
competencies at recent workshop
Cultural competencies are specific dispositions and behaviors that enable people living within a given culture to interact with others within their own culture, and intercultural competencies are specific dispositions and behaviors that enable authentic encounters with people from different cultures. Competencies are skills, and they may be cultivated. But how? Read more. Listen to more.
Religion & Society Program accepting proposals
The Religion & Society Program is accepting proposals for its new program, the Aspen Religion Fellows, that will begin later this year. Aspen Religion Fellows aims to develop new academic approaches or practical solutions to the most pressing questions on religion and public life in the United States. Submissions are welcome from a wide range of applicants, from civil society practitioners to graduate students, post-docs, or mid- or senior-level scholars with relevant academic expertise. All proposals will be evaluated by a multifaith, multidisciplinary selection committee. Explore the Aspen Religion Fellows website, view the formal Request for Proposals, and submit your application by February 24, 2023.
ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback!
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The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) is a membership organization of graduate theological schools. ATS Programs and Services offers educational events and resources to assist member schools with best practices, development of peer networks, production of research, and exploration of data. The Commission on Accrediting of ATS accredits the schools and approves the degree programs.