C v. M - Gloria Antwi was lead counsel in this case where we represented the Mother and were successful in securing an Order allowing her to travel internationally with her child. While routine vacation travel--to a safe place with a responsible parent--should be a "no-brainer," this can get lost in the heat of litigation where one parent may be focused on punishing the other. Rest assured, we are committed to advancing the best interest of the child, and sometimes, that can be as simple as a sunny vacation! Ultimately, the Court found that the Father acted unreasonably and the Mother was entitled to recover a portion of her legal costs.
K v. W – Robert McNeillie was lead counsel in a case where we successfully represented a mother who was the sole caregiver of her disabled son. The father had accumulated over $100,000.00 in child support arrears and was arguing that the child, despite a permanent disability, was no longer entitled to child support. After achieving success in a number of preliminary motions, we ultimately achieved a favourable settlemnt where we collected close to the total arrears owed and obtained a final child support order that was fair to both sides.
B v. K – Robert McNeillie once again sensitively litigated a contested parenting time matter. In this case, the mother's controlling behaviour signficantly limited our client's parenting time. We brought a motion to increase the father’s parenting time. In retaliation, the mother brought a cross-motion to reduce his parenting time. The court granted the father increased regular parenting time plus an additional two weeks of summer vacation with the child.
M v. M - Kulbir Vaid was lead counsel for this great mom who had been the primary parent for years. The father concocted false allegations and convinced the police who laid assault charges that complicated the mother's ongoing time with the children. Father sought an order in Family Court that would have secured the bulk of the parenting time and all decision making. Thankfully, the CAS was not convinced but we still had to get before the court on a "Long Motion" date. Kulbir secured the return of the children, restoration of the previous decision making status quo, and costs. The Crown read the judge's decision and unconditionally withdrew the criminal charges. This did not all happen 'over night' but patience and perseverance paid off in the end.
F. v. P. - Within 3 months of father retaining us, Kulbir Vaid successfully negotiated an equal shared parenting regime in the face of alcohol abuse allegations and she laid to rest a bogus loan claim. How? This all expeditiously occured via mediation/arbitration. Sure it took a marathon 11 hour mediation session but our client walked out with all his goals achieved.
D. v. C. - This was another one of Ms Vaid's successful med/arb cases. Within 2 months of being retained, the parties were before an experienced mediator/arbitrator. Ms Vaid successfully negotiated primary residence to dad. Mom was alleging abuse, parental alienation, and on and on. Mom overstated her Joint Family Venture claim; the end result that Ms Vaid negotiated brought a measure of reality to the table. Kulbir Vaid recognized and convinced our client that mom's spousal support claim did have merit and we were then able to negotiate a fair resolution of that issue for all concerned.