November 2023 Update


Equal Shared Parenting - ------Thought of the Day

Social Media


Social Media

CLE's and Events Attended


Court Victories

Blog Posts

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25 Bowring Walk
Toronto, Ontario Canada M3H 5Z8 
Phone: 416-635-9264
Fax: 647-930-1835
We hope that our clients, former clients, colleagues, friends and others who have signed on will enjoy perusing this newsletter.

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November 6, 2023

Dear Gene,

Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre is pleased to provide you with our eNewsletter.   


November 2023 Update - Gaza Massacre Statement

Recent events in the mid east have rocked the world. The Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre has posted the following statement prominently on our website:

The Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre unequivocally condemns the murders, kidnappings and other unspeakable acts that Hamas (an organization that the Government of Canada has designated as a terror group) has perpetrated against hundreds of civilians of all ages in Israel.

I, Gene C. Colman, add my voice to the many others who have stepped up for morality and against terror.

Let me be clear.  There is no moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas.

Amidst the chaos and burgeoning anti-Jewish hate fest which is rampant now throughout the world, there is still room for hope. I express my deep appreciation to all my non-Jewish clients and former clients as well as professional colleagues, neighbours, friends, acquaintances, and others who have reached out in recent days and weeks to provide comfort and encouragement to me. You have identified with my pain and the anguish of my people. I thank each and every one of you. I know that you have my back; I know that you are righteous, caring and equally shocked with the horrors as am I. My wife and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


Kulbir Rahal Vaid

Gene C. Colman is very proud to announce that Kulbir Rahal Vaid became a partner in the firm this past May (2023). Kulbir started with the firm in 2015 while she was completing her LL.M; she went on to article at the firm and stayed with the firm as she was called to the bar (2017) and had two beautiful children in between.

Kulbir has had primary carriage of files with various complexities, ranging from financial issues involving corporations to high-conflict parenting disputes. Kulbir is a skilled, firm and fair negotiator who has successfully participated in negotiations on various files leading to expeditious resolution. Her goal is to keep fees low and work hard to achieve a final resolution, without compromising key tenets related to the equal-shared parenting principles that our firm strongly espouses

Kulbir's leadership in the firm, incredibly hard work, outstanding devotion to her clients - all attest to her suitability for the partner role.

Jordan Shanlin

Jordan Shanlin, law student from the Lincoln Alexander School of Law, was with us for the summer and will be returning to law school in January to complete her 3rd year of law school. She will then come back to the firm while she studies for and writes her two Bar Admission course examinations and then will be called to the bar and officially become a lawyer with our firm!

Riley Scott

Riley Scott, from that same law school, completed her third and final year of law school and then rejoined the firm in July 2023 as a student while she studies for and writes one last Bar Admission examination. We look forward to her call to the bar in the next few months time.

Juliana Mal

Juliana Mal, another Lincoln Alexander student (!!!) will be spending her final law school semester commencing January 2024 (winter/spring term) learning the ropes at our firm and helping out wherever needed.


Our Equal Shared Parenting Thought of the Day email has been received very well. Fopr the past few months we have concentrated on highlighting excerpts from Prof. Linda Nielsen's book, "Myths and Lies About Dads". To read our past issues and/or to sign up for future issues - CLICK HERE.

And here in any event are two samples from past issues:

Colman has been actively posting to social media for some time. Don't miss an insight, a quip, a criticism, an observation. Most of the posts address Equal Shared Parenting and Parental Alienation. Here are the symbols to click and join me into your social media circle:
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CLE's and Events Attended

In our newsletters, we used to list all the courses that our lawyers had attended. The lists were just getting too long.

At our firm, we take Continuing Legal Education CLE seriously. We understand that the legal landscape is constantly evolving, and it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field. That's why we regularly attend CLE courses, ensuring that we remain knowledgeable about the latest laws and regulations that may impact our clients. While we are not going to list all of the courses we've attended, please rest assured that we are committed to ongoing education and are always seeking opportunities to enhance our expertise. Trust us to provide you with the most informed and effective legal solutions possible.

Sponsorships and Community Involvement

We sponsored the Lions Field Hockey Club in Brampton this year.

We were pleased to co-sponsor "The National Parents Organization" celebration of Shared Parenting Day on 26 April 2023. If you are interested in Shared Parenting, then the NPO website is not to be missed.

We once again co-sponsored the Annual Charger Foundation Golf Tournament in support of "The Canadian Centre for Men and Families" on 19 September 2023.

Again this year we co-sponsored the interdisciplinary conference of the International Families Alliance, October 12 & 13, 2023, in Toronto (in person and virtual): Gene C. Colman once again gave a well received presentation entitled "Family Violence Update: How are Canada's Courts Addressing the Issue?" And Jenny Kirshen sat on a legal panel and presented on “The Role of Children’s Aid Societies in High Conflict Litigation”. 

We are once again co-sponsoring the annual FDRIO fall conference on November 20, 2023 - Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario.

Recent Firm Court (and Med/Arb!) Victories

C v. M - Gloria Antwi was lead counsel in this case where we represented the Mother and were successful in securing an Order allowing her to travel internationally with her child. While routine vacation travel--to a safe place with a responsible parent--should be a "no-brainer," this can get lost in the heat of litigation where one parent may be focused on punishing the other. Rest assured, we are committed to advancing the best interest of the child, and sometimes, that can be as simple as a sunny vacation! Ultimately, the Court found that the Father acted unreasonably and the Mother was entitled to recover a portion of her legal costs. 

K v. W – Robert McNeillie was lead counsel in a case where we successfully represented a mother who was the sole caregiver of her disabled son. The father had accumulated over $100,000.00 in child support arrears and was arguing that the child, despite a permanent disability, was no longer entitled to child support. After achieving success in a number of preliminary motions, we ultimately achieved a favourable settlemnt where we collected close to the total arrears owed and obtained a final child support order that was fair to both sides.

B v. K – Robert McNeillie once again sensitively litigated a contested parenting time matter. In this case, the mother's controlling behaviour signficantly limited our client's parenting time. We brought a motion to increase the father’s parenting time. In retaliation, the mother brought a cross-motion to reduce his parenting time. The court granted the father increased regular parenting time plus an additional two weeks of summer vacation with the child.

M v. M - Kulbir Vaid was lead counsel for this great mom who had been the primary parent for years. The father concocted false allegations and convinced the police who laid assault charges that complicated the mother's ongoing time with the children. Father sought an order in Family Court that would have secured the bulk of the parenting time and all decision making. Thankfully, the CAS was not convinced but we still had to get before the court on a "Long Motion" date. Kulbir secured the return of the children, restoration of the previous decision making status quo, and costs. The Crown read the judge's decision and unconditionally withdrew the criminal charges. This did not all happen 'over night' but patience and perseverance paid off in the end.

F. v. P. - Within 3 months of father retaining us, Kulbir Vaid successfully negotiated an equal shared parenting regime in the face of alcohol abuse allegations and she laid to rest a bogus loan claim. How? This all expeditiously occured via mediation/arbitration. Sure it took a marathon 11 hour mediation session but our client walked out with all his goals achieved.

D. v. C. - This was another one of Ms Vaid's successful med/arb cases. Within 2 months of being retained, the parties were before an experienced mediator/arbitrator. Ms Vaid successfully negotiated primary residence to dad. Mom was alleging abuse, parental alienation, and on and on. Mom overstated her Joint Family Venture claim; the end result that Ms Vaid negotiated brought a measure of reality to the table. Kulbir Vaid recognized and convinced our client that mom's spousal support claim did have merit and we were then able to negotiate a fair resolution of that issue for all concerned.

Some Blog Posts since our last newsletter in March 2023
We have been very active just blogging away. The blog posts are mostly quite short - generally less than a two minute read. Check out our blog here. And here are a few links to some of our more recent blog posts.

Thanks for reading this newsletter.


Gene C. Colman
Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre