Parent Academy Sept. 9th
The Parent Academy is coming to Wekiva High School on September 9th! Registration and additional information available here: http://conta.cc/2hMVh6Z
Main Campus:
6100 Oleander Drive
Orlando, FL 32807
(407) 482-6300
Freshman Campus:
7775 Valencia Collage Lane
Orlando, FL 32807
(407) 249-6369
 We hope to see our freshmen families at the Ninth Grade Center Open House this Tuesday, September 5th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Our Open House on the Main Campus follows on Thursday, September 7th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
CHS will run a bell schedule so you can meet all of your child's teachers. Please note that this is just a short meet and greet; parent-teacher conferences can be scheduled through your child's guidance counselor.
In this week's update you will also find some very valuable information from our Guidance Department ranging from scholarship opportunities and college visits to dual enrollment and testing. Please be sure to click on those links to view this important content.
This is a four-day school week due to the Labor Day holiday on Monday. Please drive safely in the holiday traffic and I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, September 5 when classes resume.
Thank you,
Jose T. Martinez
Colonial High School
Pictured very top: Ninth grade students working on their winter garden this past week (story below).
If you no longer attend or have a student attending CHS and do not want to read future issues, you may opt out at the very top of this edition. However, if you do so, your email will be permanently removed from the system as a security step. We hope you will continue.
Student Services / Guidance News
Scholarship Corner
College & Career Corner
CHS Guidance Website
Yearbook and Senior Photos
Dean Stewart Photography
Seniors must call Dean Stewart Photography at 1-800-330-8429 or visit the web at
www.dsp-photo.com to schedule an appointment at their studio. There is no cost to have the picture taken at the studio. All senior pictures will appear on the Jumbotron at graduation.
Yearbook Bundles
Seniors should consider purchasing your yearbook and senior dues together in a unique yearbook bundle. For only $50.00, our seniors can purchase a yearbook and have the senior dues paid.
Please do this as soon as possible as this low price will only be available until September 30.
Attention 9th through 11th Graders
Students in grades 9 through 11 can also take advantage of a specially priced book which is $40.00 (until September 30). Books can be pre-ordered in room 2-205 (with cash check or money order) on the main campus or with
Ms. Olivera in the front office on the freshman campus. Books can also be ordered online through schoolpay.
Embry-Riddle Dual Enrollment Drone Certification Program
Colonial High School's fourth year Air Force JROTC Cadets have been given an amazing opportunity to participate in a dual enrollment course through
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where they will have the opportunity to not only earn college credits in introductory level aviation courses, but also their Small Unmanned Aerial System (Drone) Safety Certification. We welcome
Dr. John from Embry-Riddle, who will be co-teaching this course alongside
Colonel Frazier, on our campus.
Dr. John of Embry-Riddle working with the AFJROTC cadets this past week
Hallway recognizing Cpl. Larry Smedley of the USMC on the CHS main campus |
Teacher of the Year and Support Person of the Year
Freshman Campus
Main Campus
Ninth Grade Campus Happenings . . .
Student Garden
Students in the Agriscience Foundations class at Colonial High School's 9th grade center began work this past week on their 40' x 15' winter vegetable garden. Over the course of the first semester, students will learn about plant and soil sciences and the role of agriculture in healthy lifestyles. They will apply classroom instruction to grow and harvest vegetables of their choosing encouraging healthy eating habits of fresh and nutritious foods.
This project is funded in part through a grant from Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, a non-profit organization supporting agriculture education.
Student Government Association
We are excited to introduce our freshman campus SGA members. They are us helping us bridge the gap between the Ninth Grade Campus and the Main Campus.
Pictured SGA members are: Enfemena Egbah, Rozario Gonzales, Guadalupee Ibarra, Brianna Mangrum, Abigail Mercado, Symarah Oquend, Jenny Then, and Nayeli Ramirez
Higher Achievement Program
Allied Health Assisting (AHA) Program
Ms. Sands' has taught the AHA program for the past two years. We have just begun the third year of the program and are excited about taking industry certifications in phlebotomy, ECG, patient care tech and medical terminology. The following photos show students applying their skills in triage, assessment, and lead placements for ECG's.
Allied Health Assisting Seniors ready for a day at the medical facility: Shaquille Matta, Samantha Almeida, Luz Galarza, Chakyra Beason, Hannah Bombsai, and
Sayda Calix
Samantha Almeida and Sayda Calix performing blood pressure checks and practicing locating the brachial artery.
AHA Seniors Chakyra Beason locating brachial pulse site.
AHA Seniors Shaquille Matta and Christian Hernandez programming electrocardiogram machines with patient identifications.
Teen Book Festival (September 23)
Barnes & Noble in Bumby Plaza will be hosting a Teen Book Festival on Saturday, September 23.
Colonial High School's Book Club Initiative and Battle of the Books team will be hosting a Book Fair the same day during this NOT TO MISS EVENT and will be the recipients of a percentage of all sales.
Authors...activities...performances by CHS students. More information to come soon!
Colonial High School students wishing to start up a Book Club or join our Battle of the Books Team should visit
Mrs. Parisi on the main campus or
Mrs. Havrilesko on the 9th Grade Campus to let them know. They can be found in the Media Center.
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