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The Premier International Association for Color Design Professionals®





Peggy Van Allen, President, CMG

and Founder, Colorfuel

Greetings to 2023!

Greetings to 2023! It is ’23, right? Not ’24 or ’25? So confusing isn’t it when we spend so much time forecasting and looking ahead?

We are off and running at the start of this year and I wanted to share some of the goals of the Board and Executive Committee. I mentioned in the last ColorChips newsletter that we had identified some areas to evolve our color forecasting process. This January our Future Thinking workshop was the starting point for this evolution as teams gathered in virtual breakouts to identify the top Macro Trends for 2025+. The wealth of information that was gleaned was then organized and filtered for use in our upcoming ChromaZone® workshops by the Future Thinking chairs, board member Kiki Redhead, and VP of Marketing, Stephanie Dycha.

While participants to the ChromaZones will still bring their own research, we will have the added benefit of being able to tap into macro trends already identified in our Future Thinking discussions. We believe this will not only reduce the time spent in Color Story development but will also push us to think further into the future. The additional time can then be devoted to the color analysis and integration of critical material and finish information. The end result: a more comprehensive World Color Forecast™. ChromaZone workshops start in March so be sure to sign-up as soon as possible so that you get the date and style of workshop that best suits you. We are offering in-person, virtual and hybrid options.


Another goal that we are focusing on this year is the expansion of the Education program. Our immediate-past secretary, Alicia Keshishian and past board member Roz Kavander were the impetus for growing the program over the past few years with Color 101 and Color Power. These programs were incredibly successful and our members have asked for more. The Executive Committee determined that it would be necessary to add another position to lead this charge and Sandy Sampson was elected as VP of Education. Sandy is looking for members to join her committees and if this area interests you, get in touch with her or Sharon Griffis to share your talents.


Speaking of sharing your talents, you will soon see the launch of our Member Engagement campaign. Our mantra is: CMG is for the members and by the members. This is our purpose. We want everyone to get the most from their membership. Having a voice and hand in the various aspects of the association is our goal for each of you. Find the committee or project that speaks to you and you will find that your collaboration with other CMG member-experts will build your network and increase the value of your membership. 

Peggy Van Allen, President, Color Marketing Group


2025+ World Color Forecast Virtual Revelation AND International Color Conference

You asked and we listened! This year you have the opportunity to participate in TWO major events:

Virtual Revelation of World Color Forecast

This year we will be revealing the 2025+ World Color Forecast in a series of short, impactful virtual events revealing each of the Regional Forecasts. The digital revelation will offer all members the opportunity to hear the revelations, either live through Zoom, or by watching the recordings. CMG Members will continue to receive the printed and digital deliverables, with a similar delivery timeline of mid to late December.

WHEN: Monday, August 28 -to Thursday, August 31 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 PM Eastern, daily


CMG Color Connection:

To complement the virtual revelation, we will also have an in-person event in October to replace this year's International Summit. This Conference will offer new experiences in materials and finishes, as well as our landmark workshops to collaborate, connect, and create in color. With a focus on education and networking, we'll create valuable opportunities for attendees to learn and connect with others in the industry.

WHEN: Thursday, October 26 to Saturday, October 28, 2023

WHERE: Location to be determined


How to get the most from your Membership

Judith van Vliet, VP Membership

& Founder, The Color Authority

Welcome dear CMG members to a new year full of exciting events of all that is color! Color Marketing Group has been continuously evolving over the past year with its program offering and member benefits and we totally get it is hard to keep up with all the novelty. So let’s have a closer look at how you can get the most out of your CMG membership.

Now I am not sure about you all but for me CMG means getting together with my people, my network, to converse, share and inspire one another on all that is new in the field of color and trends.

Unfortunately at current times we do not always get to meet live to do so and therefore CMG has created the GlueUp members-only platform last year where you can not only connect to your color peeps but also ask burning color questions of any kind to your network.

What color is hot in China for the home appliance market? Who is going to NeoCon this year? Where can I find color psychology experts in the field of health and wellness? Whether you are located in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe or Latin America, your entire network is available at just one click on GlueUp. ACCESS YOUR ACCOUNT today and grow that network of yours!

One of the most inspiring moments during the year at CMG is the International Summit where we not only get together with our color network but we also are presented with the CMG 2024+ World Color Forecast. Both the regional presentations and the WCF entail a lot of information on what will move consumer markets in the upcoming years and of course, the color directions that may apply. All this information can be found on FILECAMP where you may access all the digital reports, presentations and color files for a deep dive into +2024. Besides these latest reports you may also find our Roving Reports, ColorContext® Reports, ChromaZone® Workshop Reports and of course the reports of previous years. Filecamp also holds our popular ColorAlert archive for more inspiration. If you need us to resend you the link to access to Filecamp please email [email protected]

Another great way to get inspired throughout the year in-between our online and offline events are our ColorSpeak™ and ColorChat™ recordings available for our members on VIMEO. Our ColorSpeak webinars contain highly valuable information on the latest on color design, education, psychology and innovation. Make sure you do not miss them! The ColorChat sessions are a great way to connect onscreen with your CMG network and its affiliates with new exciting topics every other month. Make sure you keep an eye on our emails so you do not miss out on these sessions! If you need a reminder of how to access these, contact [email protected].

Judith van Vliet, VP Membership, Color Marketing Group

Order now - Six decades of color

Color Marketing Group members, Montaha Hidefi and Doty Horn, found a wealth of information while analyzing 60 years of CMG archives. They discovered a history of societal trends affecting color and design preferences, as well as the evolution of CMG color stories as told by participants over the decades. They were amazed by the colors that trended each year and the colors that remained popular despite difficult times such as recessions and natural disasters. They shared their findings during last year's International Summit in their Keynote presentation, "The CMG Color Story Evolution."


The presentation recording, together with a printed card showing CMG's top forecast colors over the six decades is available to purchase.

The card includes:

  • NCS chipped samples with both NCS and HEX notations
  • The forecasted colors grouped by decade AND color family
  • A key macro trend per decade from the 60's to the 2010's
  • The key drivers per decade.


The 43-minute video presentation recording addresses:

  • The colors that were most forecast for each decade.
  • The colors that crossed from one decade to another.
  • The colors that are trending back.
  • The color family that best represent sixty years of color and design preferences
Purchase the card and access to recording for $80 plus shipping (rates vary). 

ColorBridge Mentor Program Update

Following the launch of our ColorBridge Mentor program at the 2022 International Summit, we're off to a flying start with a broad selection of our members already volunteering to mentor a number of CMG members across a variety of topics including:

  • CMF Design
  • Color Theory/Design
  • Career transitions
  • Creative Life within the corporate world
  • Growth in the Color Industry
  • Product, Color & Palette Development
  • Technical aspects of color
  • Women in STEM roles

A special thanks to our mentors:

  • Aga Artka, Inpro Corp.
  • Kelli Dexheimer, HP
  • Stephanie Dycha, Avient
  • Cindy Green, Green Family Circus
  • Montaha Hidefi, Color Landing
  • Doty Horn, ColorVoyant LLC
  • Audra Keiber, Mohawk
  • Christa Lynam, Hunter Douglas
  • Sandy Sampson, Simple Modern Style
  • Judith van Vliet, The Color Authority
  • Peggy Van Allen, Colorfuel
  • Amy Woolf, Amy Woolf Color & Design
If you'd like to join our ColorBridge program as a Mentor or Mentee, please contact [email protected].

Welcome to New and Returning Members!

Tia Bahr, Gabby and Summer Classics

Jonathan Baker, Gabby and Summer Classics

Wendy Claes, Milliken Europe BV

Nicte Cuevas, Nicte Creative Design

Dan De Mars, Char-Broil

Stephanie Foreman, Cambria

Stacy Gentry, Gabby and Summer Classics

Cyndee Heedum, Window Wares

Amanda Helber, Tremco/Dryvit

Chris Hutchens, Gabby and Summer Classics

Summer Kath, Cambria

Julie Langelier, Ronor Inc.

Narss Lapinid, Lapinid Design

Lori Litts, Forbo Flooring,

Lindsay McMullen, Gabby and Summer Classics

Laura Phillips, Continental SSL

Ann Quist, Quist Design Works LLC

Andrea Sylvia, Cambria

CMG's Featured Member Volunteer

This quarter we are featuring Rebecca Neilsen Holbrook. Upon joining CMG, Rebecca quickly engaged with the Forecasting Committee to help revamp our ChromaZones to include Material and Finish trends. Her CMF insights were integral to how the program has been shaped.

Rebecca is a senior at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, graduating this April with a bachelor's degree in Industrial Design and minors in Design Thinking and Spanish. She has worked as a CMF design intern for Blackstone Products and Lifetime Products, a 2021 Crocker Innovation Fellow, and an interior design assistant. She's currently an industrial design intern at Ooblec (a design consultancy in Utah) and work as a design research assistant for BYU professor Bryan Howell.

Rebecca Nielsen Holbrook,

Forecasting Committee member

"I'm passionate about color and excited to launch into my professional career as a CMF designer! I joined CMG because I wanted to expand my network, learn more about trend forecasting, and find mentors. I am new to volunteering on the forecasting committee but happy to be involved. It has been a great way to grow a more personal relationship with the people I met at the summit last November. I'm excited to keep volunteering and learning more about color."


Engagement and Leadership opportunities:

Each summer, CMG’s Executive Committee updates the strategic plan. From this plan, new and continuing projects are assigned to each committee. Our Directors lead committees and are instrumental in building value for the group. We encourage you to join a committee and learn about the projects that they work on.

Most projects usually start in January and run until they are fulfilled. However, each is unique so joining a committee anytime during the year is available. Many hands build strong and better organizations.

Get more out of your CMG membership by joining one of our volunteer-driven committees.

Education Committee:

This new committee, launched in January 2023, will advance the educational and learning opportunities available to CMG members. Sandy Sampson was elected VP Education by CMG's Executive Committee and will be working with our Head Office to develop a strategic plan for this committee. Join us as we explore course content, accreditation, delivery solutions and more!

Membership Committee:

This committee works to deliver tangible benefits and value for CMG members. Projects include the launch of a Student Membership, design and management of membership recruitment and retention initiatives, and more. Use your social skills to work with a multi-talented committee focused on member recruitment and retention.


Supporting all CMG volunteer-driven committees, our Marketing and Communications committees build, maintain and manage the association's brand. Graphic design skills? Social Media marketer? Join our committee to promote the CMG brand across membership and our events.


Workshop Champions support our color forecasting process before, during and after each Workshop. Visit our Events page on the website for a full list of all our events and contact [email protected] to volunteer as a Workshop Champion.

There are other committees that could use your help. Please reach out to Sharon Griffis - [email protected] - to find the right place for your talents.

Visit our Engagement page

Where to locate CMG's current & archive Digital files

CMG's current and archive digital files are located on FILECAMP media library storage. Links to download the files are sent to members when they join or renew their membership. If you lose the link, please contact [email protected].

Update on CMG's enhanced forecasting process

As the process of forecasting evolves, Color Marketing Group members are increasingly identifying the need to acknowledge the relationship between color, materials and finish (CMF). Therefore, and while maintaining a focus on color, we have included material and finish trends in our Forecasting Process. Our enhanced Forecasting Process incorporates two Workshop areas:

Step One: Our Future Thinking Workshops, held in January, will identify a range of macro trends for 2025 and beyond and will lay the groundwork for our ChromaZones where we'll be forecasting color, material and finish directions using either your own trends, or the results from the Future Thinking Workshops.

Step Two: ChromaZone Workshops to identify color, material and finish trends driven by macro trends for 2025+. Participants may use the macro trends discussed during the Future Thinking Workshop (provided on registration), or their own trends.

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