Everything You Need For A Colorful Summer
Just Arrived: New Shipment Of Annual Color
Spring color keeps rolling in each week! We have such a lovely selection of beautiful and colorful annuals, the hardest part is deciding which ones to get! Now is the perfect time to plant before the summer heat arrives.
Just Arrived: New Flowering Perennial Plants
Why not try planting something new or unique this season? We have a wide variety of pretty perennials that are a great addition to your annual flower containers. Or, plant them in your beds to enjoy year after year!
Flowering Summer Bulbs Now 25% Off
Gardenia Shrubs Are Beginning To Bloom
Nothing smells like the approach of summer in the south quite like the sweet scent of blooming gardenias. There are hundreds of different types of gardenias, but they all produce beautiful white, waxy blooms.
Prolific bloomer with an upright habit. Looks great planted near entryways.
Improved version with a strong scent. Perfect in beds or along walkways.
Her royal highness has full double blooms. Use as hedge or accent plant.
Huge Variety Of Hydrangeas To Plant Now
If you love hydrangeas, then come by to pick up your favorites now! We have a huge selection of hydrangeas that will produce big and beautiful blooms in a rainbow of bold colors. Not sure which one to get? Just ask!
Hydrangea pH Adjusters and Fertilizers
Raises soil pH to turn hydrangea blooms pink. Safer than hydrated lime.
Feeds acid-loving plants, such as hydrangeas, gardenias, and azaleas.
Lowers soil pH to turn hydrangea blooms blue. Great for blueberries too!
We Have Aquatic Pond Plants In Stock Too!
We have aquatic plants for your pond and backyard water features. Adding a healthy mix of aquatic plants will help balance your pond's ecosystem, provide shade for aquatic life, and add an attractive look.
Authorized Retailer: Self-Watering AquaPots
Each ceramic AquaPot comes with a 3-piece system that is inserted into the pot to create a water reservoir at the bottom and a soil section at the top. This allows water to be wicked up into the plant roots slowly and reduces water waste. Huge selection of sizes, styles & colors available!
Achieve Your Dream Yard In Just Weeks!
Get Your Yard Summer-Ready With New Sod
The Family Tree Garden Center
1983 Main Street East, Snellville, GA
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 to 7:00
Sunday: 10:00 to 7:00
Prices Effective: May 14 - May 20