Volume XIV March 2022
Family Enterprise Insights
The Global Family Enterprise Program is dedicated to expanding and disseminating knowledge about family enterprisethe heart of the world's economy and societyto our worldwide community. In this Family Enterprise Insights, we honor Women’s History Month by featuring two videos from our Founding Women of Family Wealth event that took place two years ago. The event featured women who forged new ways of thinking about family wealth, created organizations that brought families together, and pushed the financial services industry to better serve their clients. In future newsletters we’ll share more from the other women who joined them at the event. 
In this video, Kathryn McCarthy, advisor to families and family offices, provides historical context on how private wealth management worked 30 years ago. Much that is taken for granted todayintegrated wealth management, tax-aware investing, family officescame from the shift led by McCarthy and others decades ago.

A hot topic in family firm research today is socio-emotional wealth. Studies are focused on the reality that families look for more than financial returns from their business. This has important implications for the economy and for families. Lee Hausner figured this out decades ago. In this video, she describes how and why she broadened the definition of wealth for the families she counseled. Many in the field owe her a debt of gratitude for this shift in understanding. 

We're delighted to share insightful research, wisdom, and advice from leading global scholars, family enterprise principals, and expert practitioners with our global community because we know it's important to you and to society.

Visit our site for more, and keep checking as we continue to add more insights.
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