Volume III| April 2021
Family Enterprise Insights

Myths and legends are wonderful. But they belong in fairy tales rather than evidence-based research and theory-based practice. In this volume of Family Enterprise Insights, we highlight three examples of work within the Global Family Enterprise community that questions some long-held myths. The work on the relationship between money and happiness, group decision-making, and jointly-held leadership will have you questioning your own beliefs. This is just the kind of analysis and critical thinking that we foster in our students and support in our alumni who are on a lifelong learning journey.

We’re delighted to share insightful research, wisdom, and advice from leading global scholars, family enterprise principals, and expert practitioners with our global community because we know it’s important to you and to society. 

Visit our site for more, and keep checking as we continue to add more insights.

According to David W. Zalaznick Associate Professor Sandra Mertz's research, happiness may depend on how it is spent, rather than how much is accumulated.

Family enterprises require joint decision-making in multiple forums, including boards of family firms, foundations, and holding companies. Learn about how group decision-making is not necessarily better, and how to improve it in this webinar featuring Professor Stephan Meier, James P. Gorman Professor of Business and Chair of the Management Division, and Professor Patricia M. Angus, Managing Director of the Global Family Enterprise Program.

111 years since its founding as Massachusetts Envelope Company, Ben Grossman ’06, along with his brother, David, are the 4th generation of Grossman Marketing Group. This podcast, from The Business of Family, explores legacy, leadership and life lessons.

Please consider a contribution to support the Global Family Enterprise Program. We provide an unparalleled curriculum, conduct world-class research, and foster an active global alumni community.

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