Volume XII January 2022
Family Enterprise Insights
The Global Family Enterprise Program is dedicated to expanding and disseminating knowledge about family enterprisethe heart of the world's economy and societyto our worldwide community. In this Family Enterprise Insights, you can learn from research on family and non-family CEO's, hear how women approach entrepreneurship, and learn how a family has successfully launched a family office with their family.

We’re delighted to share insightful research, wisdom, and advice from leading global scholars, family enterprise principals, and expert practitioners with our global community because we know it’s important to you and to society. 

Visit our site for more, and keep checking as we continue to add more insights.
How do non-family member CEOs compare to family member CEOs? What impact does gender have on these decisions? What effect does family succession have on firm performance? Research from CBS Professor Daniel Wolfenzon sheds light on these oft-asked questions.

How do women approach entrepreneurship? Learn from CBS Entrepreneur in Residence Barbara Roberts as she explores the rise of woman-owned businesses in the last 50 years and what can be learned about how they create and direct wealth, and define success.

Family Voices
How do you launch a family office with your family and make it a success? In this exclusive video featuring Bram Bluestein '71 and Ilene Gordon, learn from their experience with doing just that and involving the next generation.

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© 2022 Global Family Enterprise Program
Geffen Hall
645 West 130th Street
New York, NY 10027