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Now that Pastor Danie is no longer serving as our Interim Pastor, Staff and Session felt you needed this detailed update on the information that will be guiding us during the next period of our interim process. We will continue to update you as we proceed together celebrating and strengthening CPC as a vibrant community of faith.

Nancy Johns, Bo Liebe, and Ben Stimmel

Session Communications Team


Over the last 18 months, we have been in a season of change and challenge. Despite our inability to worship and fellowship in the ways that we once did, we have witnessed remarkable adaptability, innovation, and faithfulness as we have continued to move forward during this transition time. 

After completing the Mission Study, Columbia hired our interim pastor, the Rev. Dr. Daniel de Beer. Pastor Danie has spent the last year helping Columbia look at its culture, systems, mission, vision, and values. He helped identify aspects of previous chapters of our history that, if not dealt with and processed in a healthy manner, could become a hindrance to accomplishing our shared goals and mission. Danie has stated that he believes that CPC is equipped with many leaders, we are capable of uniting around our vision for the future, and that we have much of what we need to respond to God’s call in the coming years! Here is a snapshot of our plan for the coming months. 

Current Status and Updates


Above all, we continue to affirm our trust in the Lord to provide for us today and in the future as He has in the past. We recognize that the anxiety and distrust that seem pervasive in our culture these days will only serve to inhibit us from being the Christ-centered community to which we’ve been called. We proceed with a spirit of hope toward the continual unveiling of God’s good plan for us. Trusting in God and filled with gratitude for God’s faithfulness, we continue to focus on encountering God, entering into a life-changing relationship with Christ, and allowing the Holy Spirit to help us find our place in God’s work. 


The newly elected Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) has just begun to meet. Their work will go through many phases. Initially, they will get to know one another and begin to form relational bonds, receive training about their role and responsibilities, and come up to speed with all the work that the Session has done. In light of CPC’s mission and vision, they will begin to clarify the skills and attributes that they discern are most important for our next pastor. Eventually, they will create a job description which is called a Ministry Information Form (MIF) which will help potential candidates evaluate if their skills and ministerial call are a match for CPC. Once applications begin to be submitted, the PNC will review and consider each one carefully prior to conducting interviews and making their final selection of the person that they feel the Spirit has led them to recommend for our next pastor. This is a lot of work! Regular updates on their work and progress will be provided. Please pray for the PNC throughout this process.  


One of the key elements of the Session’s transition work has been to re-examine our core theology, mission, and vision during this time. God has called Columbia to continuously wrestle with its core theology and the issues of the day. During this interim time the Session has reaffirmed our commitment to being a Christ-centered church that is firmly rooted in the Reformed Tradition. The church has reaffirmed its commitment to the authority and centrality of the Word of God in our life together. The Session and staff have also reaffirmed our mission statement and our three-pronged vision: Discipleship, Intergenerational, and Missional. The pastors plan to spend the coming months preaching on that core mission and vision as well as on other basics of our Reformed faith. We hope that you will be re-energized by this reminder of who God has called us to be as a congregation as we re-affirm these commitments.


Over the last 9-10 months the Interim Head of Staff provided a unique perspective as someone new to our community that helped us learn about our culture and our habits. At times these identified traits can help move our mission forward or inhibit it. In the next month or two the staff and Session will assess what we have gleaned from this important work and how we can learn from these insights. A similar process was used in the 2006 interim period and proved crucial to the work of the Pastor Nominating Committee. A short summary of what we have discovered about CPC will be provided. Paired with our 2020 Mission Study, this “Interim Learning Summary” should give us a clear and honest picture of our strengths and weaknesses.


The Session will be meeting in the coming months for its annual retreat. We will spend time working to get clear and specific on CPC’s current needs and goals, and any other key items that we need to get clarity on. While focusing on our mission and vision, we realize that in each phase of our life together the specifics of what we prioritize, plan, and implement must be identified and will profoundly affect every decision we make. This sort of work will enable CPC to allocate its budget and staffing resources to appropriately align with our mission and vision. This process will begin prior to calling our next Head of Staff and will continue in every chapter of our life over the next few years. This Session work will provide important clarity to the Pastor Nominating Committee as they move forward in listening for the voice of God. We at CPC have a history of responding with energy, dedication, and generosity to the ministry to which God is calling us, so we undertake this hard work with joy and hopeful expectation. It will also require CPC to then allocate its budget and staffing resources so that they appropriately align with our mission and vision. This is hard and lengthy work that will need to precede our next Head of Staff hire and it will also need to continue in every chapter of our life.


Pastor Scott will be organizing various opportunities led by different congregational leaders, in-person and online, so that together we can learn more about where we are as a congregation and revisit information to date and as we go forward. Small groups will be able to consider and discuss the implications of any findings for CPC’s future. We want to give everyone an opportunity to engage with this important work that we are doing together, offer any feedback or encouragement, and creatively explore ideas for activities and ministry that you might have. The primary communication vehicle we be the Columbia Weekly for short announcements of progress and opportunities to meet in small groups.

In Summary

As 2022 approaches, we have gained some key insights into who CPC is. We have reaffirmed our core Reformed theology, our Mission, and our Vision. We are now commencing critical work that will guide our future. We are grateful to have three pastors who are capable of leading us all into a renewed set of shared goals to accomplish our mission and vision. We are excited to know that the PNC is at work.  

Above all, we are filled with confident hope and trust that God will guide and bless our efforts and the clarity that we gain from these next steps will produce amazing Kingdom work.

Please pray for Session, staff, PNC, ministry teams, and all of the places in the world to which we have been called and how you might personally support and invest in this critical work that lies before us.  


Nancy Bishoprick

Carol Cate

Dave Cram

Bruce Farnsworth

Kay Hansen

Matthew Hoffman

Nancy Johns

Bo Liebe

Julie Mauer

Ben Stimmel

Robert Stuart

John Van Zytveld

Collin Votrobeck

Bill Wheeler

Tricia Williamson

Angie Woodrow

Dan Zeamer

Executive Team

Carol Cate

Bruce Farnsworth

Dan Zeamer

Communications Team

Nancy Johns

Bo Liebe

Ben Stimmel

Pastor Nominating Committee

Beth Burton

Matthew Hoffman

Chris Keinath

Wendy Ovall

Ron Prill

Mary Sisson

Katherine "KT" Teng

John Van Zytveld

Connie Warner

Karen Wheeler

Andy Woodrow

Dan Zeamer


Canoeing the Mountains by Tod Bolsinger

Growing Young by Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, Brad Griffin

Additional Online Resources



Mission Study


Mission Study

Full Report

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