September 11, 2001
Never Forget
Week Two
Comal Reads
Thursday, Sept. 19
Wear Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Latest Headlines
Local Newspaper Article Looks at How Growth Effects Busses
Comal ISD's growth was featured in a New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung newspaper article which focused on the district's transportation department. It highlights a few key numbers including daily miles traveled, students served and gallons of gas used.

Homebound Students Receive Campus Spirit, Pride at Home
All students feel the excitement and apprehension that comes with a new school year, and the same is true for homebound students. That's why their teachers at Comal ISD made sure to deliver a little campus spirit to each of them on the first day of school.

Fifteen Students Participated
in Lone Star Leadership camps
Fifteen Comal ISD students were nominated by their teachers last year to participate in this summer's Lone Star Leadership Academy camps. These fourth through eighth-grade leaders visited notable and historically significant sites in Texas.

Comal ISD Going Gold Spotlight
SVHS Grad & Cancer Survivor Featured in the Amazon Blog
Smithson Valley High School graduate Sequoia White and her family continue to share their story about childhood cancer and their efforts to fight for a cure.