With those traditional words, we ask the Holy Spirit to come into our hearts, our Church, our world. In commenting on this prayer, Pope Francis shared an insight about its simplicity:
“The key word is this: come. Come. But you need to say it yourself in your own words. Come, because I find myself in difficulty. Come, because I am in the dark. Come, because I don’t know what to do. Come, because I am about to fall. Come. Come. This is…how to call upon the Spirit.”
The Holy Father also recalled the words of St. Augustine of Hippo, the 4th century Doctor of the Church on facing difficulties in life.
“St. Augustine, referring to the Gospel episode of the storm on the lake, suggests how to react in this situation. This is what he says: ‘The faith of Christ in your heart is like Christ in the boat. You hear insults, you wear yourself out, you are upset, and Christ sleeps. Wake Christ up, rouse your faith! Even in tribulation you can do something. Rouse your faith. Christ awakes and speaks to you… Therefore, wake Christ up… Believe what has been said to you, and there will be tremendous calm in your heart,’” the pope said, quoting one of Augustine’s sermons.
In the same context, Pope Francis recalls how St. Paul exhorted the Galatian Christians “not to grow weary in doing what is right.” The Pope tells us: “In this challenging but captivating journey, the Apostle reminds us that we cannot let ourselves tire when it comes to doing good.”
Returning to the role of the Holy Spirit in this effort, he says: “We must trust that the Spirit always comes to assist us in our weakness and grants us the support we need. Let us, therefore, learn to invoke the Holy Spirit more often.”
So, on this Solemnity of Pentecost, I encourage you to learn to pray to the Holy Spirit. Pay attention to the action of the Holy Spirit in your life and in our world. Implore the Spirit of peace and reconciliation to heal our divisions. Invoke the Spirit of courage to enable us to be witnesses of the Lord Jesus in the world. May the Spirit of Jesus move us to challenge the evils that surround us. May the Spirit of compassion move us to greater concern for those in need. May the Spirit of comfort embrace all those who have suffered loss of loved ones.
All parish Masses are now in the church. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Come, Holy Spirit! The ecumenical community of Taize in France has composed many beautiful chants based on the ancient Church texts. One of these is the Veni Sancte Spiritus that uses many languages in addition to the original Latin. In this prayerful presentation, 54 young people from 36 different countries sing together "Veni Sancte Spiritus" from their homes.
Bishop McElroy Is Appointed as a Cardinal of the Church
We rejoice that our Holy Father Pope Francis has chosen our own bishop Robert McElroy to be a Cardinal of the Catholic Church. The announcement was made last Sunday, May 29 at the conclusion of the pope’s regular Sunday message to those gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
Cardinal-Elect McElroy will be installed by Pope Francis in a consistory to take place August 27 at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. He is the fifth American to be named to the College of Cardinals by Pope Francis. All Cardinals under 80 years of age are voting members, able to serve in the Conclave that elects the Pope. Bishop McElroy is 68 years old.
In commenting on his appointment, Bishop McElroy said:
“I am stunned and deeply surprised by the news that Pope Francis has appointed me to the College of Cardinals. My prayer is that in this ministry I might be of additional service to the God who has graced me on so many levels in my life. And I pray also that I can assist the Holy Father in his pastoral renewal of the Church. In this moment, I give thanks for those who have contributed profoundly to my life and priesthood: my family, the priests and women religious who helped to form me, and the Catholic community of San Diego and Imperial Counties, whom it is my privilege to lead.”
St. Patrick Catholic Community joins the rest of the Diocese of San Diego in congratulating Bishop McElroy and we pledge our prayers for him as he undertakes the additional responsibilities of this office. May the Holy Spirit who came upon the disciples at Pentecost continue to lead and guide our beloved bishop, soon to be Cardinal Robert McElroy.
Pope Francis and Vatican II Give Us the Roadmap for the Synodal Process
This article is by our own Bishop Robert McElroy and it appears in this week’s issue of America Magazine. (Of course, he wrote it prior to being named a member of the College of Cardinals.) In this article, he gives a sound understanding of the synodal process in which we have been involved in recent months. The bishop displays his keen insight, theological soundness and pastoral concern. Here is another reason we can be proud of Bishop McElroy.
St. Patrick Parish congratulates all of our parishioners who are graduating grammar school, high school or college in 2022. We would also like to pray a blessing to each of you. We invite you to attend the Mass of your choice next weekend June 11-12 where all graduates in attendance will be blessed. We look forward to seeing you there and are excited for your future. Once again, congratulations!
Parents and grandparents, why not invite any member of your family who is graduating this year to join you for Mass on that weekend.
A Celebration of Family:
The World Meeting of Families
in San Diego
Everyone is invited to join us on Saturday, June 25 at the Pastoral Center for a celebration of family life in association with the global World Meeting of Families. Activities will include a family picnic with food trucks; a bounce house for the kids; family rosary; family ministry fair, and Family Mass with Bishop John Dolan at 2:00 pm.
Come one, come all! Free family event! No need to RSVP. Sponsored by the Office for Family Life & Spirituality. Call 858-490-8299 for more information.
Grief Newsletter Attached
We continue with #9 of our Grief Newsletters graciously shared with us by Hospice of North Coast. This issue contains an article on “How do you know when you’re getting better?” It also has pointers on how to talk to kids. There is more good information on other topics. Past issues of the Grief Newsletter are available in previous issues of our own newsletter (see our website).
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Catholic Trivia
"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.
Which Church solemnity is sometimes referred to as the Birthday of the Church?
In which gospel did Jesus promise that he would send the Paraclete, another Advocate?
Which sacraments include an invocation of the Holy Spirit?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, what are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, what are the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit?
If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at mmclain@stpatrickcarlsbad.com We will be pleased to add them.
The Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles gathered in Jerusalem.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 104:1,24,29-31,34
God's Spirit renews the earth.
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 12:3b-7,12-13 or Romans 8:8-17
We are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gospel Reading
John 20:19-23
Jesus appears to his disciples and gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Background on the Gospel Reading
The season of Easter concludes with today's celebration, the feast of Pentecost. On Pentecost we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem; this event marks the beginning of the Church. The story of Pentecost is found in the Acts of the Apostles, today's first reading. The account in today's Gospel, taken from the Gospel of John, also recounts how Jesus gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to his disciples. There is no need to try to reconcile these two accounts to each other. It is enough to know that, after his death, Jesus fulfilled his promise to send to his disciples a helper, an advocate, who would enable them to be his witnesses throughout the world.
We previously heard today's Gospel on the second Sunday of Easter. At that time, we also heard the passage that follows, which describes Jesus' appearance to Thomas. In that context, we were led to reflect on belief and unbelief.
In the context of the feast of Pentecost, this reading reminds us about the integral connection between the gifts of peace and forgiveness and the action of the Holy Spirit. Jesus greets his disciples with the gift of peace. Jesus then commissions his disciples to continue the work that he has begun, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” As he breathes the Holy Spirit upon them, Jesus sends his disciples to continue his work of reconciliation through the forgiveness of sins.
This Gospel reminds us that the Church is called to be a reconciling presence in the world. This reconciling presence of Christ is celebrated in the Church's sacramental life. In the Sacrament of Baptism, we are washed clean from sin and become a new creation in Christ. In the Sacrament of Penance, the Church celebrates the mercy of God in forgiving sins. This reconciling presence is also to be a way of life for Christians. In situations of conflict, we are to be agents of peace and harmony among people.
The Shoppe is having an awesome sale from June 1 through June 15. Everything in the Shoppe will be half price (except jewelry). Our monthly Sunday Sale (8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) will be June 12. We would love for you to come and shop with us.
Our wonderful St. Patrick's Boy Scout Troop is going to be doing their Eagle Scout Projects by doing some great things at the Ye Olde Garage. We would like to thank them in advance for taking us on as a project. With that being said, the Shoppe will be closed for six weeks in the summer: June 16 through July 31. We will reopen on August 1.
Soup Suppers will return beginning Thursday June 16, 2022 at 4 PM. We still need more help (prep, cooks, servers, cleanup) on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Thursdays. If you would like to help, contact Mark Anderson at 760-889-1327.
Soup pots will be at the entrance to the Church for cash or check donations this weekend June 4-5 and again next weekend June 11-12. Your generosity is appreciated.
Un Saludo de parte del Diacono Miguel,
Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos, “La paz este con ustedes. Como el Padre me ha enviado, así también los envío yo”. Después de decir esto, sopló sobre ellos y les dijo, “Reciban el Espíritu Santo. A los que les perdonen los pecados, les quedarán perdonados; y a los que no se los perdonen, les quedarán sin perdonar”.Celebramos hoy la gran Fiesta de Pentecostés, Jesús cumple lo que les había prometido a sus discípulos, que iba a enviar el Paráclito, el Espíritu Santo, para ayudarlos, recordarles, guiarlos, y animarlos en su camino de fe. Ahora, leímos en el Evangelio de San Juan, que Jesús sopló sobre ellos y les da ese mismo Espíritu de Jesucristo. ¡Tú y yo somos templos vivos del Espíritu Santo! A causa de este Espíritu Santo que está en nosotros, podemos llamarle a Dios, “Abba/Papi”, porque somos hijas e hijos de este Dios amoroso. Por este mismo Espíritu Santo, podemos llamarle a Jesús, “mi Señor y mi Dios”, porque es el #1 de toda nuestra vida. Por este mismo Espíritu Santo, podemos mirarnos como hermanos y hermanas, un Pueblo de Dios, un Cuerpo de Cristo. No siempre será fácil, a veces lo que vivimos o escuchamos en las noticias, como la violencia en este país y en otros, guerras, niños y niñas llorando, masacres dondequiera, indiferencias, racismo y muchas otras cosas. Que nos hace mirar hacia el cielo y decirle a Dios, “¡Ya basta, por favor!” Pero más que nunca, tenemos que mantenernos fieles a Dios, confiando que Dios es fiel y nos acompaña en cada paso de nuestra vida. Y recordar esas palabras de Jesucristo, que “Él está con nosotros siempre, hasta el final de los tiempos”. Somos suyos, el Espíritu Santo está en ti y en mí, y desea llenarnos de su paz. Aceptemos este regalo. ¡Feliz Pentecostés!
Por favor escuchen a los enlaces proveídos, espero que les ayude en su reflexión.
This prayerful music is an invitation to the Spirit of the Living God to fall afresh on all of us. May we be open to be formed by the living God.
3821 Adams Street
Carlsbad, California 92008
The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe is open
Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm
In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.
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