St Anthony Church Newsletter
Perhaps the grace of this Pentecost Sunday is that we can discover our calling to spread the Gospel wherever we find ourselves.
We have good news for a world that is growing weary of division, hatred, and negativity. It is the good news of a God whose Spirit empowers us to bring light to the dark places of this world and hope to those who despair. He leads us out of confinement, out of fear, to embrace new possibilities.
May 31, 2020

St Anthony Church will broadcast on Facebook LIVE .
The video of the Mass will be available on this page of our website after the Mass is complete.
Music for Live Stream Mass

Gathering: Come Holy Ghost
Offertory: Come, O Holy Spirit

Traditional wear all wear RED to Mass on Pentecost Sunday.
Please wear RED while watching the LIVE Mass.
Take a photo of your family prior and post it in the comments of the Mass.
You can also email the photos to Pat Vlamis
Sing Happy Birthday to the Church!

Decorate cupcakes or cookies with red frosting/sprinkles, flames, doves, etc. Talk about how Pentecost marks the birth of the Church and how people all over the world celebrate being the body of Christ on this day.
Place your birthday candles on your treats. Sing together and then enjoy your treats!

" Pentecost Sequence 2019"

by Edwin Kotchian and Leanna Pizzo
June 8 th  will be our first public Mass since March!
By working together, we can make it a great experience for all!
Mass Schedule:
Mon – Fri at 8:00 am
Saturday at 9:00 am
First Friday at 12:15 pm
Saturday at 3 pm (beginning June 6 th )  
If you can attend a weekday Mass, please do that and reserve the Saturday Mass for those who are unable to attend M-F. 

  • 50 people maximum per Mass.
  • Please call during office hours, M, T, W, F 8 – 4 and Th 9 – 2, if you would like to attend a Mass. Leaving a message does not guarantee your attendance at that Mass, you must hear back from us. Please use extension 10 when leaving a voice mail. 
  • In the church Guidelines will be posted and directional arrows will be visible. Pews will be marked off to assist with social distancing.
  • Please bring a face mask to wear, as it is required as you enter, while inside and as you exit.
  • Hand sanitizer is currently available, please have your own handy as well.
  • We ask that you mark where you sit with a post-it-note, which will be available at the entrances.
  • Communion will be distributed in your hand.
  • Dispensation for Sunday Mass will continue until September 6, 2020 and it will remain even when the Sunday Mass resumes.
  • Missalettes will be removed from the pews, if you would like to take one home and bring it back with you each time you come to Mass, you may do that. 
  • Beginning June 8th, our Church will continue to be open every day until 4:00.  
  • We will continue to live-stream the 11:15 Mass on Sunday via Facebook.
  • If we get enough people requesting an evening Mass during the week, Father will consider it. 
Your prayers, notes, messages, and support have kept our spirits lifted!
Thank you for taking the time to connect with Father and the staff members. 
Hopefully, we will be back to our regular schedule of Masses soon. 
God bless you and your loved ones! 
for up to date cancellations and changes during this time!
Please continue to support Saint Anthony Church through
your donations with these options: 
1. Mail in your offerings to 4 Union City Road, Prospect CT
2. Sign up for online giving here. You can also donate without creating an account by selecting "Quick Give".
3. Set up donations through your bank's online bill pay.
We appreciate your continued financial support. Thank you and may God continue to bless you.  
All donations are welcome in any way that is convenient to you. Electronic donations are the quickest and safest way for us to get funds into our operating account, as nothing is handled. 
Send in a photo of your Grad!
We want to recognize the parishioners who are celebrating a graduation this year!
Email it to Pat Vlamis with the details such as school and any awards!
Garden Volunteers Needed

If you would like to spend a few quiet hours in our beautiful church gardens we could use your help. We are looking for parishioners who enjoy gardening to do some spring sprucing up. Mostly some light weeding and a bit of pruning. You can come when ever you like. Pick your spot and do your best. You will need to bring your own garden tools and a bin to carry. Weeds and trimmings can be tossed in the woods behind the church - you will see the spot.

If you would like specific instructions just contact the parish center at 203-758-4056 and we will have Michael give you a call.
St. Anthony Church Meditation Garden Walkway Fundraiser is ongoing.
Thank you to everyone who has already ordered a brick!
Honor someone you love with a beautiful stone in our Meditation Garden Walkway.

Please download the form to order:
Get the Bulletin in your email weekly!
You can sign up to automatically receive the bulletin via email each week.
If you would like to add a special prayer request to the Prayer Basket in church, fill out this anonymous form on our website and it will be printed and put in the basket.

Parish Prayer Line
If you or someone you know would like to be prayed for, please call the office and their name will be added to the prayer line which is comprised of parishioners who will pray for that person.
Labonnes Cash for Charities Rebate Program

Last week $10,013.63 worth of LaBonne’s receipts were delivered to LaBonne’s. We will receive 1/2% back. 
This week another HUGE amount arrived! Keep them coming!

  • Please save your Labonne's cash register receipts. (Keep an envelope in you car to easily save them)
  • Every couple of months submit them to St. Anthony Church, via the mail or by dropping them off at the parish center.
  • Thank you to everyone who has been sending in their slips, keep them coming!
Bingo is cancelled until further notice.
thank you for all who have supported us in the past and we look forward to when we can have a HUGE Jackpot again!
When shopping Amazon, you can choose to use Amazon Smile* and a percentage of your order will be donated to St. Anthony Church, specifically for the refurbishing of the Church hall.
Click on the photo to get started!
* We encourage supporting local businesses, direct trade and fair trade partners as well as environment considerations when making purchases. If you do choose to use Amazon Smile and you don’t need your item immediately, please don’t choose overnight/rush delivery because this often forces people to work on Sunday. 

Please consider using online giving for your financial support.
The consistency from online giving is very helpful over vacation periods. You may still use your envelopes and mark “I gave online”. 
Thank you and God bless you for all you do for St. Anthony Church!
Parish Mission Statement
St. Anthony Church is a parish where God’s love nourishes the soul to actively minister to people and share the joy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

St. Anthony Church
4 Union City Road – Prospect, CT 06712
203-758-4056 .