Mission Statement
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the day approaching."
Hebrews 10:23-25 
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Dear USNA Parent Prayer Ministry,
Doesn't this bible verse just say it all?
Won't you come pray with us?

Robert & Cathy Nordlund
Westlake Village, CA
LCDR Bobby (USNA 2012)
Test Pilot, VX-31 "Dust Devils"
(NAWS China Lake)

P.S. We now have a Facebook page. Please help us spread the word!
Our goal is to glorify God as we pray with you in Jesus name for the USNA, its leaders, faculty, and students, and our own children.
Pray for the US Executive Branch & Military Leadership
President: Joe Biden
Vice President: Kamala Harris
Secretary of Defense: Lloyd Austin III
Secretary of the Navy: Carlos Del Toro (USNA 1983)
Chief of Naval Operations: Admiral Michael Gilday (USNA 1985)
Commandant of the Marine Corps: General David Berger
Pray for the USNA Leadership Team
Superintendent: Vice Admiral Sean Buck
Commandant: Captain Thomas Buchanan
Academic Dean: Dr. Andrew Phillips
Admissions Dean: Captain Bruce Latta
Athletic Director: Chet Gladchuk
Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership Director: Dr. Joe Thomas (USMC)
Command Master Chief: Karim Cole
Chief Technology Officer: Captain (ret) Lou Giannotti
Chief Finance Officer: Joe Rubino
Chief Diversity Officer: Captain Timika Lindsay
Pray for the Christian Ministries on the Yard
Chaplain Center, CAPT Richard Bonnette, CAPT Francis Foley, CDR John Logan, LCDR Jason Gregory (410-293-1100)
Catholic Religious Education, Anne Butta butta@usna.edu
CRU, Kyle Sponagle kyle.sponaugle@uscm.org, Dan daniel.angle@cru.org & Laura laura.angle@cru.org Angle
Protestant Midshipmen Club
Protestant Religious Education, Charlene Carr carr@usna.edu
 Pray for the US Naval Fleet & Marine Corps
(especially the newly commissioned officers)
"Open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith."
Acts 26:18 
Attributes of God 
Passionate about connecting the global military community to Jesus Christ.

Designed to to serve warriors and their families.

Building strong, stable, and secure military families so that they can thrive in the
communities they have worked so hard to protect.

Dedicated to honoring the legacies of our nation’s fallen
service academy cadets, midshipmen, and graduates.

To help USNA families underwrite the cost of memorial services on the Yard.
Choose: I would like my gift to go to: Other
To the question: “How you would like the gift to be used?"
Answer: MIDS Memorial Fund – 93500001
Robert & Cathy Nordlund
1087 Stoneshead Court
Westlake Village, CA 91361