The officers of NEO STC feel that our members could engage more and get to know one another in an informal manner. Our members are geographically spread out, so this application allows people to connect easily in one place.
*Optional desktop or phone app provides these easy-access features
Why should I join the Slack group?
This is an NEO STC member-exclusive! This is one of the benefits of belonging to your professional organization. Our test group has already learned:
- How to move into Content Strategy
- How to handle 8.5 x 11 vs. 11 x 17 drawings in your PDFs
- What’s going on in STC International. We have integrated feeds from the STC’s Notebook Blog and magazines, which update each time something new is posted. One-stop shopping!
The chapter council will post items as they happen. Learn first about events, chapter news, and other exciting happenings.
You can brag about your own accomplishments, post job news, or find out how other chapter members handle specific issues.
Who else is in the group?
NEO STC members. We have fewer than 60 members, so there may be conversations, but it will not be overwhelming. Notification preferences will allow you to determine what type and how often your receive notifications.
What is it not?
We do not see this as time-consuming, annoying, or another social media site that you have to maintain. It should not be used to sell your products or services.
We won’t ask you to post your photo or introduce yourself (unless you want to). Just jump on and say hi or ask a question.
How do I join?
Look for an email invitation from Slack. This will be sent to your email that is on file with STC.
Learn more
We plan to hold a mini-webinar to help you:
- Learn how to use Slack from the web, your phone, or the Windows desktop application
- Configure your notifications for activity in Slack
- See how easy it is to post, navigate, and share items.