Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
January 28, 2024 at 11 AM
Deuteronomy 15:1-11
Matthew 19:16-22
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9:30 AM Adult Bible Study
11:00 AM Worship
11:30 AM Young Children Sunday School
12:00 PM Annual Meeting
12:30 PM Deacon's SOUP-er Bowl Luncheon
| If you're worshiping with us online, you are encouraged to create a worshipful space - light a candle, sit in a comfortable position, reduce the distractions around you. Though the online platform allows for multi-tasking, you are encouraged to set this time apart for God and for your spiritual well-being. | |
We all have a money story, whether we recognize it or not. This theme invites us to discover and tell our money stories in light of God's money story of liberation and justice. This series encourages us to transform our stewardship practices into more full expressions of who we are and what we believe.
We began last week by remembering God's faithfulness to us even amid our faithlessness. This week we practice releasing shame, anxiety, guilt, greed, or anything that keeps us from freedom and wholeness. We release the elements of our money story that prevent us from fully living into God’s story. In Matthew, we see a man grieved to let go of his wealth. In Deuteronomy, we find the radical social mandate of cancelled debts, a communal release that is practiced for the good of all. Releasing is a spiritual practice that frees us from ourselves and liberates others.
Come share in some of the work and learning the members of Administration & Finance, Stewardship & Generosity and your Session have been up to the last eight months.
See you in church,
Rev. Adele
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If you'd like to help lead worship, share slides, or prepare something for our Fellowship Hour this winter, click below. | |
Click below to make an online gift to Warner. | |
To submit announcements for next week's e-blast, contact the Church Office. Deadline Wednesdays at Noon! Thank you!
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There will be a congregational meeting immediately following morning worship this Sunday, January 28, 2023. The purpose of the meeting will be:
- Receipt of reports from the staff and organizations/commissions and committees of the church
- Discussion of those reports subject to the constitutional provisions of PCUSA
- Receipt of the report of Session concerning the annual review of the terms of call for the Pastor and taking action thereon
- Elect new deacons, elders and nominating committee members
- Act on any other business which may properly come before the Congregation.
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Please join us in the Social Hall this Sunday at 12:30 and enjoy fellowship along with warming and yummy homemade soup, bread, and a few sweet treats as we visit with one another. While we will not be collecting cans of soup this year, we are hoping folks will consider making a generous monetary donation that day to support the Deacons’ work throughout the year.
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As we wrestle with money through preaching and worship, we encourage you in prayer to reflect on how you will be part of Warner’s Money Story. (Crafted by the Session, Administration & Finance, and Stewardship & Generosity teams in October 2023)
“Living in a community of considerable wealth and inspired by those who give sacrificially, we aspire to be good stewards of all we have. We seek God’s guidance to find a united purpose for Warner that will provide a witness of God’s love, partner with the wider community to serve others, and inspire care for creation. Knowing that all we have and all that we are comes from God, we strive to have faith and confidence in God’s provision.”
When we look at congregations around us, and within our own walls, we know we have work to do to follow God toward 2030 and beyond. But we are confident that God has been, is now, and will continue to be faithful, and we believe we have the ability to step into whatever it is God is already working on for Warner. We pray you will consider how your abundance can serve another’s need. We will dedicate our 2024 pledges on Transfiguration Sunday, February 11th. You can record your pledge by clicking HERE or submit a card with your commitment by mail or in the offering plates. If you need a card, contact the church office.
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. ~ 1 Peter 4:10
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As of this week, our new website is at long last LIVE! You will need to clear your browser history or cache in order to see it (your computer will want to find the old site which is no longer available). After you do that, go to to check it out. Thank you especially to Digital Mninister Jesy Littlejohn, photographer Paula Tinong, elder for Communication Kabara Korth Praskavich for all your hard work on this!
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Wednesday January 31 at 1 PM on Zoom
Are you in the “third third” of life? Trying to decide if you’ll plan to age-in-place, move nearer to family, be part of a retirement community? Are you caring for loved ones differently – a spouse, a parent, grandchildren? Do you wish there was a place to talk about your faith with others in a similar boat, or just a group with whom to share some coffee?
Good news! Kris Maldarelli, our Minister for Congregational Care, is convening our first “Third Third” group meeting, Wednesday, January 31 at 1 PM on Zoom. Kris will share some ideas she’s had and we’ll talk together about what this monthly group can be. Come sometimes or come every time! But definitely come on January 31st. We’ll be on the Warner Zoom non-worship number. Contact Kris if you have questions.
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Weds 7-8:15 PM on Zoom beginning Feb 21
This year we are invited to a community-wide discussion led by the Rev. Dr. Patricia Allen, Senior Pastor of St Paul's United Methodist Church. Participants will read The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James Cone in which he expounds on the significance of the crucifixion through the lens of lynchings suffered by African Americans. This is not a Bible study, but a communal book study, where all are invited to engage through discussion what we have read, from a variety of perspectives and lenses. To learn more and register, click here.
If you would like to help Warner Memorial's worship service, the absolute best way would be to sign up as a volunteer in the link above. Right now, we have a rotation of a few volunteers that repeatedly fulfill the important duties such as liturgist, usher, and slide leader. We need this pool of volunteers to grow! If you are unable to help, you could reach out to a friend who can. Contact the office for details or sign up here. Thank you!
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