Co-creating Wholeness Among Neighbors


Gardening is the art that

uses flowers and plants as

paint and the soil and sky

as canvas.

-Elizabeth Murray

This is the time when our garden flourishes, with an abundance of harvested vegetables! With the new Grace Place house becoming a provider of services to the community, there is plenty to look forward to during this season. During this time, we have been approved by the borough to follow through with plans of building a pavilion in the back of the gardens. We are looking forward to new developments during distributions, counseling sessions for the community, new plantings, introducing The Circle of Love, and so much more. Projects such as these are always in the making at Grace Place Gardens and we hope to continue in these endeavors that create and build our community in the future.


Greetings from Grace Place Gardens! We’ve begun harvesting from all the gardens: radishes at Fort Street to lettuce at Grace Place. We also picked three huge bags of spinach from our two gardens in Chambersburg with the gracious support and land of Kurt Dunkel. Nicole Hill has also provided us with yard space behind her King Street home where we’ve begun to harvest lettuce. We anticipate this to be another great year in the gardens. Remember, these are your gardens to pick from so come by and enjoy them.

Starting at the beginning of May, the Growing Edges Community Counseling Clinic(through Shippensburg University and the Counselor Education Department) opened two rooms at 21 North Prince street, adjacent to the gardens. This is fulfilling the grant submission for expansion of counseling services in the community. If you are interested in an appointment, please contact Neysa Thomas the intake coordinator at

In the next week, Jessica Larkin will be taking over responsibilities as garden coordinator. I will be stepping back as the coordinator after having had a wonderful experience this year to create and learn about gardening. Jessica has been with us since the beginning and will continue to provide coordination and connection for those interested in helping. She brings with her a wealth of experience in community gardening and harvesting. I will continue to be a part of Grace Place as the counseling clinic director. It’s been a pleasure to be part of such a wonderful team and meeting many of you throughout the year.

Peace to you all,



Produce distribution times this month will be staying the same as they were last month with the start time beginning at 10:00 and ending when all produce has been given away. Keep your eye out for different designs that will be posted outside the church/gardens for upcoming events such as produce distributions, community meals, cookie church, and various others.

Tuesdays during the distribution, Grace Place Gardens has decided to begin a coffee hour for all local community members and attendees of the produce distributions. Coffee and danishes will be offered during this time so do not be shy! We would be happy to see YOU!


There is just so much to share. The season of planting, seeding, watering, and harvesting continues. Giant radishes are being plucked from the ground. Spinach and salad greens harvest is ongoing. Two community members who have satellite gardens on their property, have been bringing in a steady stream of fresh seasonal eats. The Fort Street gardens produced an abundance of spinach this week. All finds its way into the mouths of our beloved community members via Tuesday produce distribution. Okay some is also eaten on the spot. It’s so GOOD! How can you not?!

The garden beds over on Fort St have been fortified with fencing to prevent the rabbits from doing what they do best. Yes, nibbling. We have had a few casualties, but so it goes, and all can be replaced. No sweat.

A lot of seeds are going into the ground this month. Here are a few: all different types of beans, lettuce seed for heads and mixes, spinach, arugula (always tricky this time of year but we will give it a go),cilantro, dill, bok choy, radishes (round cherry bells and french breakfast), a few rows of beets for fun, and why not some mini carrots and okra while we are at it. 

Poppy seeds, zinnias, nasturtiums, cosmos, and calendula will bring beauty, nourishment, and joy to pollinators and people. We hope you come to pick them in a couple months.. 

On Saturday, May 16th, an intimate mighty group of women came together to plant in the rain. It was joyous. Life sharings, laughter, and planting in between the raindrops all somehow managed to happen.

By the end of it there were flowers, herbs, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, kale, swiss chard and heavens knows what else went into the ground. Now the plants are really starting to settle in and grow. You really must come watch the magic happen in your gardens here at Grace Place. It is forever mind blowing. 

Another important necessary thank you must go out to community members Charlie and Rhonda (?). It is truly a gift and honor to have received hot peppers, tomatoes, and swiss chard from them. Their generosity has blessed our gardens with some of the healthiest plants I have ever laid my eyes on and I have laid my eyes on A LOT of plants. There is clearly much love that was poured over them throughout their lives. We will return the gift by doing the same. 

Ah. Isn’t this all just so wonderful? Life, beauty, bounty, community, all taking place here at Grace Place. It is my hope that our paths cross in the garden. I hope that you find this space one of comfort, nourishment, and beauty. It is yours to be in and experience. 

If there is ever a desire rising in you to lend a helping hand in the gardens, please don’t hesitate to reach out. No experience is required. If getting down into the soil isn’t necessarily your thing, that’s okay. There are plenty of other things to do! 

So much gratitude for you. 


A huge thank you to the Gleaning Project for all that they have been able to contribute to our community.

If you want to learn more about their mission or vision, click here!



"This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

I love that verse. When I was younger, I taught Sunday School and we used to sing a song to open our class-time with those words. Listening to those little children with their smiles and boundless energy, full of hope and expectation of what the day would bring was such a pure joy.

As we grow up and take on the responsibilities of life, we often forget to rejoice in the day. How many times have I just gone through the motions of the day, not really seeing the people around me; or even wished they would just get out of my way so I could hurry up and get where I was going! ( I followed a person home the other day for miles, going way under the speed limit, when I was late and really needed them to just step on the gas! My drive home is a beautiful drive through the forest, and along the way I realized, maybe I ought to just slow down and appreciate the view!)

But the thing is, we don't always have perfect days. Some days are just plain hard. And you never know what kind of burden someone else is carrying. That's why I love Grace Place. I love the people who come with no judgement, and such open hearts. I have seen people who didn't know each other become friends and welcome each other. For those who don't know me, I am that tall woman with the gray hair who doesn't speak and may be chewing a paper towel. I had a stroke more than twenty years ago. I understand judgement, because when I had my stroke, I was still working, and I had to learn to be a broken person in a "normal" world. I couldn't speak, and that made it hard to do my job since I led meetings and interacted with people a lot. My employer was great, I had a machine that talked for me, but it didn't talk loud enough to be heard in the back of a meeting room, and I am a really bad typist, so half the time I was saying stuff that made no sense! My 16-year-old daughter and I learned to finger0spell to talk to each other, but when we went out in public and did that, sometimes people would stare at us as though we were aliens, and my daughter was so angry at their reaction she would stare right back. It was like road rage in aisle three!

Of course when we are faced with any challenge in life, we either decide to handle it or let it handle us. My challenge was so much easier than so many others. I had my stroke when I was 53. I wasn't ready to give up and withdraw from life. Oh, there were things I had to give up, don't get me wrong. Music was a huge part of my life, singing, playing piano, and guitar. I could no longer do any of those. And that paper towel I chew on...that is because I can't control my swallowing.

But I have received the greatest gift since I can no longer talk-- I have learned to listen! you know how sometimes you will be talking to people and you think they aren't hearing you, because they are just waiting to jump in and say their piece? Not me, because I must really think before I answer, since I must type everything on a keyboard first. Saves me from putting my foot in my mouth, that's for sure!

I guess the whole point of this story is, I want to thank you for coming to Grace Place and I want to thank you for welcoming me so warmly. on Tuesday morning, I have looked in the faces of so many people and seen smiles and warm acceptance, no matter what burdens they may be juggling. I have felt loved. Now we have begun to set up for coffee hour and conversation in the garden on Tuesday morning, to welcome you while you are waiting for the veggie distribution. We hope you will come and get a breakfast pastry and a cup of coffee, maybe linger a while and enjoy the sunshine and each others company. Grace Place is such a place of joy; let your daily chores be put aside for a moment, share your news, come be with your neighbors. You are loved!



Wholeness, or the path toward wholeness, takes on so many different forms -- and I am amazed and humbled by being able to be a part of a project, which has become a way of life, which is making a difference in our neighborhood.

At Grace Place we are working to co-create with others wholeness among our neighbors-- and we all are stepping up to do our part. Healing is happening. Love is being shared. Community is being built. Grace is being found among the conversations while planting or watering the growing vegetables, with each box of food distributed, with each counseling session, in each time our neighborhood children come and play in the fountain to cool off or float their boats -- you just simply cannot be in the garden without being changed -- for the good -- thanks to grace and to you!

It is stunning to me that between our closest neighbors (the Community Cares Residential Shelter and the transitional housing offered by the Shippensburg Civic Club), and Grace Place Ministry Center and Gardens, there are now available resources to provide food, shelter, clothing, mental health counseling, and medical direct services. And all of this created within the past year or so -- and it is for YOU!

What I love most is that it is the community caring for the community. There is nothing that makes me happier than to know that there is a depth of love and caring here in Shippensburg that wants to build connections, wants to see the value in every single person, wants to make sure everyone is taken care of, and wants to explore together how we can grow spiritually and in our love of one another as we build something together that is truly based in love, and turns out to be beyond our imagination.

It is with deep humility that I watch love grow among us. Thank you for all you offer to us and to others.

With care, Mother Barbara


We at Grace Place Ministry Center are completely delighted that The Circle of Love Outreach Ministries is leasing the upstairs for their amazing clothing bank!

It is remarkable what they are doing with the space, with many clothes sorted, organized, and beautifully displayed. You can tell love permeates everything they do.

Their ministry has been in operation for quite some time and they offer their clothes free of charge.

Their hearts are big, their reach to those in need is direct and generous, and their dedication to making life better for those in need is a very strong commitment.

Right now, they are filling requests as they had in the past, by those wishing to receive clothes calling Amanda. But soon, they can start inviting people to come during Open Hours and "shop" so people can pick up exactly what they want and need. Isn't this a marvelous gift to us all?!

Our commitment to the neighborhood is strengthened by what Circle of Love is offering. We give praise and thanksgiving for their ministry and the circle of love they are extending to those nearby.



At Growing Edges, free counseling is offered to community members at the Grace Place building. Individual counseling as well as family counseling is accessible for all ages. Play therapy is available for children (and adults too of course). If you are interested in making an appointment, Neysa Thomas is the intake coordinator and can be reached at or 717-477-1248.





Grace Place Gardens

Corner of Martin Ave. & S.Prince St. Shippensburg, PA

These are YOUR gardens,

stop by anytime!


Garden Coordinator

 Jessica Larkin

Shaped by Faith Task Force

Ann Baker    

Ford Books

Barbara Hutchinson

Jessica Larkin

Christina Luo 

Keith Tyler

Susan Tyler