The Church of the Good Shepherd

231 North Church St.

Rocky Mount, NC

eShepherd June 19, 2024

This Sunday at Good Shepherd

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost

June 23, 2024

8:00 AM

Rite 1 Holy Communion

10:30 AM

Contemporary Language Service of Holy Communion

with choir and congregational hymns.

Live streamed at

This Week At Good Shepherd

Serving this Sunday

Serving this Sunday

8:00 a.m.

Altar Guild  Lalor Smith and Jeanette Belfield;

Celebrant The Rev. Bill Bennett; Eucharistic Minister Al Hicks;

Flower Guild Betty Norman and Ashley Moss; Reader  Barbara Hicks


10:30 a.m.

 Acolytes Ann Price Harris and Andrew Hedgepeth; 

Altar Guild Betty Norman;

Audiovideo Engineer  Bill Walker; Eucharistic Minister  Will Pully;

Flower Guild  Betty Norman and Ashley Moss; Greeter  Jim Mullen;

Intercessor  Brandon Higson; Musicians  The Good Shepherd Choir;

Lawrence Goering, organist; Presider  The Rev. Bill Bennett;

Readers  Marzena Laszewski and Susan Folta

Vestry Counters  Barbara Hicks and Britt Myers


Children are invited to join Children's Chapel during the 10:30 service, returning in time for the peace. Nursery is available during the service for the very little ones. Please see an usher for information.

After the 10:30 service, join us for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall lobby and enjoy a donut and some good fellowship.

We welcome the following priests to Good Shepherd through the end of July:

June 30                

Rev. Adele Hatfield

July 7

Rev. Eric Tuttle

July 14

Rev. Bill Bennett

July 21

Rev. Eric Tuttle

July 28

Rev. Bill Bennett

Good things ahead!

Morning Prayer

Join us on Wednesdays at noon in the Library for Morning Prayer. You are very welcome!

Tuesdays on the Town returns! Make plans to join our church family for a social hour at Rocky Mount Mills at 6 p.m. We meet in the area between Hop Fly and Goat Islands.

Tuesday, July 9th

Tuesday, July 23rd

Tuesday, August 13th

Kitchen Clean Out!

Sunday, June 30 please stay after the 10:30 service and help us clean out and clean up the kitchen. It's sure to be a fun time.....and who knows what treasures we might find.

Outreach Update

We are excited to announce that Good Shepherd is once again partnering with Ripe Revival to sponsor the Ripe for Revival Mobile Market in our parking lot monthly through the summer. The Mobile Market is part of Ripe Revival's 501c3 nonprofit Ripe for Revival that addresses food insecurity by bringing fresh seasonal produce as well as quality dairy and protein options directly into communities most in need on a pay-as-you-are-able basis. Summer can be an especially difficult time for families who rely heavily on school nutrition programs. By sponsoring Mobile Market, we help supply food to these families, as well as others struggling to afford quality fresh food. Our location in downtown Rocky Mount is ideal for the market, providing easy access to our neighbors in need. 

The Mobile Market will be at CGS every fourth Thursday during the summer from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. There is usually a simple cooking demonstration and recipes provided using ingredients from the day's market selections. Add the following dates to your calendar to come check out the market, help with the cooking demo, greet shoppers, and do a little shopping yourselves!

Thursday, June 27 from 11 to 1

Thursday, July 25 from 11 to 1

Thursday, August 22 from 11 to 1 

Snack Bag Pantry Box

Thanks to the Eagle Scout Project of Carson Keeter, a member of Eric Seale's Scout Troop at First Methodist! For his project, he constructed and installed a Pantry Box and used excess funds raised to donated non-perishable food items to add to the pantry. Carson's project enables us to reinstate the longtime Snack Bag ministry of CGS without the need for volunteers to hand out the bags. Carson did an outstanding job with construction and blending the aesthetic of the Pantry Box with our beautiful church.  

The pantry is open and stocked with bags of non-perishable food to help our neighbors. Donations designated for Snack Bags will help get the ministry up and running. We appreciate your help!  

We have a "soft opening" underway. As we continue to provide snack bags, we would appreciate your financial help. Please consider making a donation designated for "snack bags" and we'll do the rest. We are looking for grant funding to help, and will be providing a list of appropriate foods you may want to pick up to help.

Stay tuned for more information and thanks in advance for your financial support to help bring back this popular and important mininstry.

Happy Birthday

to those celebrating this week!

June 19

Paul Larimer

June 20

Kim Bayless

June 21

Ben Blackburn

Congratulations, Graduate

William Daughtry,

son of Cacky and Bruce, graduated

from Hoggard High School in Wilmington, NC and is headed to NC State in the fall!

Your church family is proud of you!


Children and Youth Activities


Popsicles in the Park--Bouncing into Summer-- was a lot of fun! Our parish children had a wonderful time with youth from St. Andrews and First Presbvterian!

Around the Diocese and Beyond!

Want to learn more about

events and opportunities the Diocese is presenting?

Click here for information

You'll find information about:

81st General Convention--Revival this Saturday

Bearing Witness

Farmworker Backpack Drive

Be You

Dismantling Racism


The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church is taking place June 23-28, 2024, though the festivities begin Saturday evening at 7 p.m. with Presiding Bishop Curry's last revival while in office. Follow all things General Convention through the resources provided by the Diocese of North Carolina: you can find everything you need here.

Morning Prayer at the National Cathedral

Are you looking for a way to deepen your faith this summer? Consider joining with Episcopalians from near and far with a daily service of Morning Prayer. If you are interested, please check out this link: Morning Prayer at the National Cathedral

Parish Prayer List

For those in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity: especially Bruce Biggs, Mary Palmer, Don Fish, Reid McAuley, Logan Barnes, Willie Skinner, Debbie Freas, Ron Coone, Bobbi Weeks, and Bill Hudgins.

For continued health and healing: Mary W. Dawson, Bob Hyatt, Becky Bryan, Elizabeth "Sister" Cherry, Albert Ervin, Frances Gaither, Dwight Johnson, Corinne Landis, Boo White, and Brent Wilson

For the blessings of this life:

For those expecting the birth of a child:

For those who have died: Nancy Reid

To add or remove people on the Prayer List please contact Cheryl Coppedge at Please ask their permission before submitting.

In case of illness, a death in the family, for other pastoral emergencies, or to request a pastoral visit please contact church leadership via email at


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