Join Us For Worship
Sundays 7:45, 9:00, 10:30 AM
2936 N Power Road, Mesa AZ

Weekly Enews - July 5, 2018
Red Mountain United Methodist Church is a welcoming, diverse, intergenerational community, transformed by God's grace, reaching out in mission.
7:45 am  Coffeehouse Worship in Madsen Hall
9:00 am - Traditional Worship in the Worship Center
10:30 am - Holy Grounds in the Worship Center

Youth Mission Trip to Eastern Shore, VA
Sending prayers to our Youth Group and Leaders as they join other groups to work together to accomplish their Mission Trip goals.  They left on June 30th and will return July 7th.

Shirt Distribution

If you ordered a shirt in support of our youth, they will be available for pick up in between Worship Services on Sunday July 8, and 15, 2018.

What kind of Social Media do you use?

The Social Media Committee is interested in learning more about what kinds of social media our RMUMC Church Family use.

Openings are still available for 3 year old weekday     Preschool classes for the 2018/2019 school year.
For a tour or more information contact Jenny Heirshberg,  Preschool Director,
at 480-912-3563 or email


Feed My Starving Children

Turn hunger into HOPE
Feed My Starving Children offers volunteers a one-of-a-kind experience. You'll hand-pack rice, soy, dried vegetables and a nutritionally complete blend of vitamins and minerals into bags which are then sealed, boxed, placed on pallets and shipped to our incredible partners working hard to reach the neediest children around the world. Through volunteering at FMSC, you'll get the chance to impact the lives of hundreds of kids in just two hours per packing shift. You'll experience what it's like to make a tangible difference today.

Feed My Starving Children meals are produced by volunteers. We are fortunate to have a permanent local packing station right here in Mesa at 1345 S. Alma School Road Mesa, AZ 85210.   Children five years and older and all adults are welcomed to participate. There are jobs for those who can sit, stand or carry. 

Red Mountain UMC will participate in a meal packing event on Tuesday, July 31st from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.  

You can register to participate online

Please come join us on Wednesday,  July 11, at 8:30 am in Madsen Hall  to assemble, pack, and deliver lunches to the  East Valley Men's Shelter.
Contact Bob Phillips  for more information.


July 13 & 14
Prescott Valley UMC
8944 E. Sommer Dr
Courses Offered:     
Leading Worship
Leading Bible Study
Cost is $30 per participant.
More dates and locations for training can be found here.

Saturday Scrappers

Saturday, July 14, from 9 am - 2 pm
In room EC203/204
Bring scissors, glue sticks, and other supplies to work on cards,  scrapbooks or other projects.
Need more information?  Contact Sue O'Connell 

Mission U
August 3rd and 4th, 2018
Velda Rose UMC

United Methodist Women, the deadline to sign up for Mission U at Velda Rose UMC is fast approaching.  It is a rare opportunity that the location is so close to us, so please consider taking advantage of one of the studies plus time for worship and singing, mission projects, and fellowship with other UMW members in our district.

Registration is online only. Scroll down to Mission U and click on  August 3-4 Velda Rose.  The fee is $65 and must be paid at the time of registration.  Our UMW members will be reimbursed at least a part of this fee as funding allows.  This covers Friday evening dinner and Saturday lunch.  Red Mountain UMC is in the East District.  

Please contact Georgiann Crouse  to let her know which study you plan to take so that you can read the study book that has been purchased by our unit.

Register today!!

Available For Your Use
Please help yourself to the wonderful donation  of handmade and store bought greeting cards that are now located in the office Work Room.
Need a card? Stop by the office during business hours or visit the Work Room on Sunday morning.

Reflections Memoir Writing
"May Joy Abound" is the theme of the First UMC and Red Mountain UMC 2018 Christmas Book. 

Please share your story of Joy in 250 words or less along with your favorite scripture and/or prayer. 

Submit to Dana Tramba  by  October 1, 2018.

Revised as of April 13, 2018.

You shop. Amazon gives.

Do you shop at Amazon online?  By registering with AmazonSmile, Red Mountain UMC benefits from your shopping!  There are no additional fees involved, nor additional costs to you.  

To register for AmazonSmile, go to and select Red Mountain United Methodist Church as your charity. A percentage based on your purchase will be sent to RMUMC on a regular (quarterly) basis.

Share your events, pictures and experiences with the Church Family!
When you attend an event, Bible study, mission project, field trip with people from RMUMC, or really anything, take a picture and  SEND IT TO US! 

Who should be
RMUMC's Volunteer Hero of the week?

Do you know a Volunteer Hero?

Please send us pictures and stories about members of the RMUMC Church Family that you feel would make a great addition to our roster of Volunteer Heroes for their work at RMUMC and in their communities!

What's happening at RMUMC?

You can stay up to date with RMUMC news, events ( and fun photos!) by liking and following our Facebook page!

Where in the World are You?

Are you a Winter Visitor to our church? Do you travel to another State or Country for part of the year?
Send us a photo of where you worship, and if you have a RMUMC t-shirt be sure to wear it!

Food Pantry "Item of the Week"
Thank you for your generous donations to the food pantry. Needed this week:
Chef Boyardee

In June 2018 we gave out 62 bags of food to those in need.

Thank You-Thank You-Thank You for your generosity!!

Looking for RMUMC information on the go?

Download the RMUMC app from the Apple app store or Google Play store, by searching "Red Mountain UMC".

Lost and Found

Is now located at the Welcome Desk in the Worship Center.

Altar Flowers

If you would like to honor a birthday, anniversary or the memory of a loved one by purchasing flowers for the altar, please sign-up at the Welcome Center in the lobby.

Online giving is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to give back to the church and help it grow. Please consider setting up recurring electronic payments through our new VANCO online payment system. It's simple to set up and manage! No more check writing or missing opportunities to give when you are not able to attend services. And when you are able to worship with us, feel free to place one of the "I give electronically" cards in the offering plate (located in the pew pocket). Questions? Contact the Church Office.

Red Mountain United Methodist Church | 480-981-3833 | |