September 2019

"We are an organization of churches that is committed
to the mission of Christ to multiply disciple-making churches
through evangelism, leadership training, and connection with
other like-minded churches."
“Happy Birthday”
"Celebrating birthdays are fun. Just a few weeks ago I was invited to celebrate the 60 th anniversary of Noelridge Park Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and we had a blast. What a party. Over these past eight years as a Director, I have celebrated many church birthdays and they are always so much fun. Just to look back over the years to acknowledge and proclaim God’s faithfulness is a wonderful thing. 

Sunday, August 25, marked the celebration of another church birthday that I want to bring to your attention. I want you to celebrate with them. Happy 20 th birthday to Pastor Pat McBride and New Life Church in Wanamingo, MN. Pat McBride is only the second pastor of the church and he is doing a great job there. The anniversary celebration of New Life, that spanned three nights within the community, is particularly special and meaningful to me. I was enormously blessed to be the original pastor and church planter of New Life." Read More

Pat Phinney
CB North Central Regional Director
Our Update

"It has been exactly two years since God placed us on this journey of faith in our battle against Karen’s cancer. Two years! It seems like an eternity in one way and in another, it seems like yesterday. We honestly thought and believed that God’s miraculous healing and resolve would have come by now, so what are we to think as the battle continues?"   Read More

Trying to rest in God’s will,
Pat and Karen Phinney
WORDS I wish I didn't know . . .
WORDS I'm glad I do know . . .
Are there 'words' in your life that you wish you didn't know? Look to the promise of Jesus. Have faith in the sovereignty of our Lord. He is ever present and will give you strength, comfort and peace as you face the challenges that lie ahead.

Wendy Jonasen, CBNC Administrative Asst.

Welcome New CBAmerica President
Dr. David Whitaker

CB North Central Annual Meeting
October 18-19, 2019
Calvary Baptist Church, Eau Claire, WI

We are happy to announce the 2019 Annual Meeting at Calvary Baptist Church in Eau Claire, WI on October 18-19, 2019. This is a great time for you to meet the new CBAmerica President, Dr. David Whitaker. He will be speaking in two separate sessions: Friday night at 8:00 pm, Dave will speak on “Building Strong Leadership in the Local Church” and Saturday morning at 10:00 am, he will share in part “The Vision of CBAmerica”. You won't want to miss this. More Details
Come to Me

The Bible is filled with things we “ought” to do. We should read our Bible; pray; share the gospel; be holy; work out our salvation and a host of other “ought to’s.”  However, a question comes up: when do the things we need to do become “legalism?” How does it fit in with the message of grace and the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins? Can I really do all those things without becoming proud of accomplishments or expect that somehow God thinks of me more highly than others?

Pastor Eldon Carlson
CBNC Regional Cluster Group Director
Gospel Hope
2020 Bethlehem Conference
for Pastors and Church Leaders
Monday, February 3 – Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Minneapolis Convention Center, Mpls, MN
The Bethlehem Conference has many very good speakers and offers an opportunity for you to get together with other Pastors and Church Leaders for a time of fellowship and learning.

In the past we have enjoyed the Moody Pastors' Conference at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago as a group. That conference is no longer being offered and there are some of you who have expressed interest in the Bethlehem Conference in Mpls, MN. Please check out the information here for the 2020 Conference-GOSPEL HOPE. We have been offered a group rate of $115 per person for this 3-day event. If you are interested in attending, please contact the CB North Central office to obtain the discount rate.

763-205-9330 or
Welcome to Pastor Nathan Janzen the new pastor of First Baptist Church, Jackson, MN. Pastor Janzen started his ministry in Jackson just this past month so please pray for him, his family and the people of First Baptist during this time of transition. If you would like to encourage him directly you can reach him through the church phone number at First Baptist, 507-847-2369.
Podunk Ponderings: Shepherds Should Smell Like Sheep No. 2
"Something that I heard in seminary, at some point along the way, was that shepherds should smell like sheep. That expression has always stuck with me, and in the age we live in, this idea is more important than ever. While there has always been a temptation for pastors to avoid the dirty work of rubbing shoulders with the sheep, the busy culture we live in leaves a mountain of excuses for the pastor avoiding this duty."
Read More from 'A Podunk Pastor'

-by Pastor Josh Emmel, Faith Baptist Church, Kenmare, ND
The Ministry of VBS
VBS - A Serious Business
"As we enter the fall season this is a good time to reflect on exciting events from this past summer. We had one of those at Eureka Baptist during the second week of July. Every year kids come from all over our community to join us for a week of Vacation Bible School. This is always a neat time to see new faces of children who do not have a church. We see this week as a wonderful opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone in attendance. We take this very seriously realizing this may be the first time some have heard that Christ died for their sins and was raised from the dead." Read More and see some GREAT PICTURES!

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Seth Brickley
Eureka Baptist Church, St. Croix Falls, WI
Gerad Hall is a pastor in the Quad Cities area (Iowa cities Davenport & Bettendorf; Illinois cities Rock Island, Moline & East Moline) who is planning a new church plant. For more information click here . If you would like to contact Pastor Hall you can email him at .
Hope Beyond Hope                       
No. 3
"Over the last two months, I’ve written about fear...the fear of starting as well as the fear of limited resources. As I speak with the average church attender there seems to be a third fear that needs to be addressed. This fear revolves around the changing culture around us. Few of us could imagine how quickly policies and perspectives would change regarding marriage and gender. Often I hear this fear expressed as a concern in regard to raising children in this cultural climate."   Read More

Pastor Gerad Hall
Quad Cities
CBAmerica Chaplaincy
" WW2 Pilot Died That His Crew Might Live: Belated heroism recounted graveside "
John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

These days it seems the word “hero” has lost some of its original uniqueness. We use it to describe sports figures or media celebrities. This past quarter, however, I was blessed to officiate a graveside memorial service for a real hero. His name was 1LT John Crouchley from Providence Rhode Island. During the Second World War, 1LT Crouchley served as a pilot of a B-24 Bomber with the 828th Bombardment Squadron 485th Bombardment group – 15th Air Force out of Venosa, Italy.
Read More; See News Story Video

-By Chaplain John Hatfield, Rhode Island Army National Guard

Rev. Andy Meverden
Director of Chaplaincy
3686 Stagecoach Rd, Unit F
Longmont, CO 80504
PLEASE PRAY for the Following Churches in Transition
First Baptist Church - Colfax, IA
Oak Park Community Church - Blaine, MN
First Baptist Church - Detroit Lakes, MN
Faithbridge Church - Park Rapids, MN
Cavalier Baptist Church - Cavalier, ND
Faith Fellowship Church - Cincinnati, OH
First Baptist Church - Shelby, OH
Seven Major Ways Pastors Discern It's Time To Leave Their Church
"One of the most frequently asked questions we get asked relates to when it’s time to take a pastorate or leave one. Today we cover seven ways to sense it’s time to leave.
Some highlights from today’s episode include:
  • One indicator that it’s time to move to a new pastorate is when you have a stronger and clearer vision for the new church than your current one.
  • There’s always the risk of leaving a pastorate for greener grass when you really shouldn’t.
  • Your family is your first line of ministry.
  • You will always have some critics as a pastor. But when the opposition is insurmountable, it may be better for everyone to find another place of ministry."
Listen to Podcast -by Thom Rainer and Jonathan Howe,

The Role of the Body in Healing After Trauma
"One year ago, I stepped into a crosswalk and was struck by an oncoming bus. The trauma of the accident has made me reflect much on the role the body—both the physical body and the  church body —plays in spiritual healing and recovery."
Read More -by Karen Swallow Prior,

Nervous Before You Preach? 3 Sure Remedies
"All eyes are on you. Staring. Waiting for you to say something. Many people are sweating just thinking about it." Read More
-by Brandon Kelley,
CB N orth C entral Cluster Groups
Central Minnesota
Monday, September 16, 10am to Noon
Meeting at River of Live Church, Hastings, MN
Steve Schoenwald, River of Life Church, Hastings, MN

Thursday, September 19, Noon
Meeting at Seasons Cafe in Barron, WI
"Go M.A.D." - Men's Retreat September 27-28
Join us for “Go M.A.D.” as we fellowship together and learn ho to “Go M.A.D.” (go make a difference) our homes and communities. More Information
Eldon Carlson, Bloomer, WI
Wade Duroe, Crossroads Church, Chippewa Falls, WI
To Be Decided
Jay Jentink, Calvary Baptist Church, Cedar Rapids, IA

Virtual meeting Thursday, September 19, 9am
Eldon Carlson, CBNC Regional Cluster Group Director

Below you will find a partial list of the many services provided
by CB North Central, click on any image for more information.
Placement Services
for Pastors Seeking a Position
FREE Demographic Report for Your Church & Community
Listing of All
CB North Central
Church Assessment Tool
How Healthy is Your Church?

501c3 Tax Exempt Status
for Associated Churches
Placement Services for Churches Seeking a Pastor
Compensation Guidelines for Pastors & Staff

Interim Pastor Services through IPM
Henry C. Spicer
Scholarship Awards
Background Check Resources
Pat Phinney
Regional Executive Director
Office: 952-322-7173
Cell: 952-500-3743

Wendy Jonasen
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Office Hours:
Tues. thru Fri. 8am - 1pm

Stay Connected