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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 6, Issue 2 (June 9/16)
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Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity!

You are invited to the launch of The Learning Annex, The Circuit, and City School by Mohawk, June 9/16

Workforce Planning Hamilton is proud to have been involved with the development of the Learning Annex, which has a opening launch today, June 9, 2016 from 4:30 pm.
to 6:30 pm.

The Learning Annex connects youth 18-29 years of age with jobs, education, skill building and community connections, via a youth navigator.

The Learning Annex is housed in the Hamilton Central Library, at 55 York Blvd and is a partnership with the Hamilton Public Library, Mohawk College and the Neighbourhood Action Strategy.

Today's celebration will announce the launch of three exciting initiatives in the City of Hamilton: The Learning Annex by the Neighbourhood Action Strategy, The Circuit by HPL, and
City School by Mohawk College.

The interactive afternoon will include hearing about the Learning Annex and its impact on youth; tours of The Circuit and learning about the offerings that City School will be providing in their newest location at the Central Library.

Thursday, June 9th, 2016, 4:30PM to 6:30PM
Hamilton Public Library (Jackson Square 4th Floor)

To register for the event, please use the eventbrite link below:


Visit the Learning Annex website below for more information!

How 'robo recruiters' could affect your clients' job prospects

Next time you apply for a job, it could be a computer algorithm deciding whether or not you fit the bill.

This is because clever, self-learning programs are getting better than human recruiters at analysing vast amounts of
data gleaned from application forms, CVs (curricula vitae or resumes), and social media profiles.

Not only can they see if your credentials match the basic requirements of the job description, they can identify personality traits from the way you've expressed yourself on paper and online.

These algorithms try "to automate the 20-to-50 things the best recruiters do consciously or unconsciously" when shortlisting candidates, says Jon Bischke, chief executive of Entelo, a recruitment tech firm.
Money for Nothing, debt for free

A report by the Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton surveys the landscape of payday lending in Hamilton, including the increase in payday loan outlets and the decrease in bank branches over the past 15 years. The report also examines trends in precarious employment, and what changes are needed so workers in these jobs, and other people living at or near the poverty line, can access more affordable financial services.
Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905.521.5777
or email: [email protected]



Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca