After Worship Social Time
Coffee & a treat are served in the Parish Hall or outside each Sunday! If you would like to volunteer to bring the treats let Toni know in the office.
What you choose to bring for a treat is entirely up to you! Quantity: Three dozen treats
Coffee & napkins are provided by St. John.
**Special note: We do need people to sign up for bringing treats. There is a sign up sheet by the narthex door.
Altar Flower & Radio Sign-up 2024: If you would like to sign up to sponsor the Altar flowers &/or the radio broadcast contact Toni in the office at 641-228-3397. We will continue to have flowers as they are on the online service & the radio broadcast reaches many of our at home congregation!
As precautionary steps for safety and security, we would like to ask all attendees and visitors of St John, to make sure you are locking your vehicles anytime you are inside the church.