Click the above video link to be transferred to the Sunday Service, January 14 at 9 a.m. to watch the live stream service, or it can be watched later.


Sunday 9 a.m. Worship Service

Sunday School/ Youth hour 10:05 a.m.

January 14 Adult Affirmation of Baptism

***********Distribution of Annual Report

January 16 Council

January 17 Do day Quilters

**********choir resumes

January 24 Newsletter deadline

January 28 Annual Meeting of the Congregation / Potluck


The Annual meeting of the Congregation will be January 28 at 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall.

Annual Meeting Breakfast - Everybody Loves a Potluck!

As in the past, a meal will be served at the annual meeting on January 28. Eggs, biscuits and gravy, and caramel and cinnamon rolls will be provided. Church members are invited to bring sides to share if they are able. There are no rules - whatever you like to eat, others will enjoy, too! Some ideas are muffins, coffee cake, quick bread, yogurt, fruit, and salads. If it doesn't work for you to bring something, please don't let it deter you from attending - there will be plenty of food. The potluck items are just a bonus!

After School Program Needs Your Help

We need adult and youth volunteers to help with snacks, crafts and games on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5 p.m.

If you're interested contact Pastor Russ Leeper, Sarah Kendall or the church office.


New Church Office Hours

M-F 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-3p.m.

Sunday Bulletin

Requests for adding information into the Sunday Bulletin need to be in the Secretary’s Office no later than Wednesday at 11am.


Please keep the following in prayer.

Scott Aspholm

Carol Bauer

Ruth Farmer

Gloria Frerichs

Linda Girken

Axel Heller

Marilyn Isakson

Don Knowlton

Noa Mulholland

Imani Sande

Sawyer Schultz

Lorna Scrimger

Connie Swant

Skip Ward

Marilu Wohlers

Bill Wohlers, Jr.

Prayers and condolences to the family of Brian Watkins and his family on the passing of his father.


Pray for all serving in the military and their families:

Kaleb Bilharz, Mackenzy Bilharz,Tanner Evans, Kaylie Fox, Hannah Fox, Kim Hall, Ben hauser, Daniel Jacobs, Cameron Kakac, Drew Roethler and Robson Shankland.


After Worship Social Time

Coffee & a treat are served in the Parish Hall or outside each Sunday! If you would like to volunteer to bring the treats let Toni know in the office.

What you choose to bring for a treat is entirely up to you! Quantity: Three dozen treats

Coffee & napkins are provided by St. John.

**Special note: We do need people to sign up for bringing treats. There is a sign up sheet by the narthex door.


Altar Flower & Radio Sign-up 2024: If you would like to sign up to sponsor the Altar flowers &/or the radio broadcast contact Toni in the office at 641-228-3397. We will continue to have flowers as they are on the online service & the radio broadcast reaches many of our at home congregation!

As precautionary steps for safety and security, we would like to ask all attendees and visitors of St John, to make sure you are locking your vehicles anytime you are inside the church.


Wednesday Night Suppers

January 17 menu: Hot beef sandwiches, mashed potatoes, carrots and ice cream.

Cost: $5.00 for adults

Children through 12th grade

free thanks to

Kans for Kids

(Menu subject to change)

Volunteers Needed

We would like to form multiple teams of four (4) to prepare and serve the meals on Wednesday night.

We currently need teams for February and March.

For questions or to volunteer contact Shirley Holm or Sandie Quade.


Blessing Box

Donations are always needed for the Blessing Box! Items should be weather appropriate, nonperishable food and personal items. You can put your items in the Blessing Box outside the East door or bring to the office.




Grief Share is a 13 week grief support group that is beginning again at St. John. Join us to find help and encouragement after the death of a loved one.

Tuesdays at 6:30 January 23 through April 16

Register at or call the church office at 228-3397.

See Susan Leeper for more information.


St. John Christian Preschool would like to remind everyone that we sell Kwik Star gift cards. Please stop in the church preschool if you are interested in purchasing a gift card. We do not have many on-hand, so if we are out when you come to order, we’ll just put you down for the next order. We will also try to have an in-person order day after worship once a month. Please leave your name and phone number so we can let you know when the cards are in! We would prefer payment at the time the order is placed, but payment when they come is fine, too. The preschool receives 5% of the gift card’s face value.


click below for the

January Good Newsletter


To get to the church website, click at the top of this page on the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church logo.

You can pick up the Sunday bulletin as well as the Taking Faith Home reading sheets on the website. will get you to the Facebook page

Our intern, Beth Hurt's email

Email address you can use to get a message to the church office

Other emails are available on the website.

To call the church (641)228-3397

Editor: Janet Petefish

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