
Fall back is this weekend. Turn your clocks back one hour and join us for church at 9 or 10:45 AM on Sunday!

Our Journey through John continues this Sunday with a message from John 7:1-24 with Nate Powell, Lead Pastor. We'll worship and hear about Jesus, a man of truth. Communion will be part of our morning together. Join us at 9 or 10:45 AM or watch live here...

Comfort Food Potluck on Sunday, November 3 from noon to 1 PM in Fellowship Hall | We provide pork tenderloin and drinks; you provide sides. A-L last names bring dessert or a seasonal salad. M-Z last names bring favorite comfort food (think mac and cheese, casseroles, etc.)

Serve before, during or after the potluck this Sunday! Be part of the team that prep foods, sets out food and drink, or cleans up. It's a fun way to meet and serve alongside people for a common purpose. Sign up for a time here...

Donate Grocery Gift Cards and Items for a Turkey Dinner | Join us in purchasing items to fill turkey baskets for families connected with Freedom Fire, one of our mission partners. See here for the list of items and how you can help sort! Donate through November 17.

Next at Hillcrest

See below or here for what's next at Hillcrest.

GriefShare Workshop is Thursday, November 7 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in Room 204 | Learn how to deal with emotions, what do to about traditions, helpful tips for surviving social events, and how to find hope for the future after the loss of a loved one. Watch video for more. Sign up here...

DivorceCare Workshop is Wednesday, November 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in Room 204. This 2-hour event helps divorced and separated people navigate the challenges they'll face this holiday season. Video and small group discussion. Watch video for more. Sign up here...

Baptisms on Sunday, November 10 at 9 and 10:45 AM | Baptism is the act of a believing Christian who wants to publicly confess a personal commitment to Jesus. It's an outward expression of an inward decision. Indicate your interest in baptism if you are a student 6th-12th grade or an adult here...

Prayer & Worship Night on Sunday, November 10 from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in the sanctuary. Jesus is King and we follow His lead. No matter what happens on Election Day, we will gather to worship the One who holds our world together and to lift up those elected to lead our country. Everyone is welcome!

How to Throw a Great Holiday Party Ladies’ Night is Thursday, November 14 | Join us from 6 to 8:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall kitchen for live demos and tastings of holiday punch, charcuterie and appetizer ideas. Meet other ladies, watch how it's done, and enjoy! Reserve your place here.

Last Day for Early Bird Sign up is TODAY! High School Fall Retreat, November 15-17, at Covenant Cedars Bible Camp in Hordville, Nebraska. We'll join several Midwest Conference Covenant Churches and high schoolers for a fun and meaningful weekend away! Learn more here... Sign up here...

Serve at Adelante Thrift on Saturday, November 23 | Join us from 10 AM to noon on the third Saturday each month to sort donations and hang up clothing for the store. Contact Ashley with questions. Sign up here...

Nicaragua Intergenerational Mission Trip I Join us July 18 to 25, 2025 for this trip in partnership with Merge Ministries. Connect relationally, help complete a building project and participate in ministry at Bethel Mission in Rivas. More here...

Deck the Hillcrest Halls! Join us on Tuesday, November 26 from 9:30 AM to noon when we'll get Hillcrest ready for the Advent season. Donate one or more hours to put up trees, place lights, drape garlands and more! Sign up here...

Covenant Resources for this Political Season | Stop by the entrance to our library for books you can scan to check out, free articles and other resources to help navigate challenging conversations with a biblical foundation. By focusing on the teachings of Jesus and the questions, “Where is it written?” and “How goes your walk?” these resources aim to enhance communal dialogue and strengthen our love for one another.

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